Reminder: These 6 health care methods that are blown to the sky are actually quietly “destroying” your health

With the improvement of health awareness, more and more people begin to pay attention to their own health, and more and more people spend more time on health preservation, but not all people can Master the correct health regimen, and some people even get sicker the more they recuperate, so it is necessary to stay away from the wrong regimen.

Which regimens are wrong?

1. You must drink 8 glasses of water a day

Research has found that adults should maintain a daily water intake. Between 1500-1700 ml, that’s about 7-8 cups. But not everyone has to drink 8 glasses of water every day. This is just a reference value. The amount of water you drink depends on your physical needs. For example, when you are exercising vigorously or the weather is hot, the amount of water you drink will be higher. The increase will even exceed 8 cups.

2. Drinking bone broth can supplement calcium

When someone in the family breaks a bone, Most people cook bone broth, thinking that bone broth is a high-calcium food, which can promote bone healing. In fact, this perception is wrong. Bone broth does not contain much calcium, lacks vitamin D, and also contains A lot of fat, not only does not have any help for bone healing, but also increases the burden on the patient’s gastrointestinal tract.

3. Eat while it’s hot< /p>

Many health practitioners believe that eating while hot can better protect the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, this perception is also wrong. Human esophageal mucosa, oral mucosa and gastric mucosa are relatively fragile Yes, the highest temperature that can be tolerated is 50~60°C. Once the temperature of food exceeds 60°C, it will burn the esophageal mucosa, which will not only increase the probability of ulcers, but even induce esophageal cancer in severe cases, so try to eat as much as possible. warm food.

4. Eating chives can improve male physiological ability

chives are called by many people Sunflower, so many men will eat chives to maintain health in the process of health preservation. In fact, there is no scientific basis for this practice. Leeks are indeed rich in vitamin C and zinc, which are beneficial to human health. Physiological function does not have much effect.

5. Vitamins can be supplemented at will

Vitamin has become a universal substance in the cognition of many people. They think that as long as vitamin supplementation can improve immunity, in fact, this cognition is more dangerous . If the body is not deficient in vitamins, but blindly supplements it, it will have adverse effects on physical health. For example, if patients with gastric ulcers are supplemented with vitamins at will, it will increase the burden on the stomach and even induce urinary tract stones.

6. Congee is good for the body

Many middle-aged and elderly people have it It is the habit of porridge to think that drinking porridge has the effect of nourishing the stomach. In fact, this perception is also incorrect. Drinking porridge for a short time can indeed have the effect of nourishing the stomach. If you drink porridge for a long time, the body will be malnourished. , to promote the appearance of symptoms such as body weight loss and decreased resistance.

Message from the doctor

Health is actually a Simple and complex things, the complexity lies in the variety of health preservation methods today, I don’t know how to choose, the simple thing is, to develop good living and eating habits, in fact, is to maintain health, such as early to bed and early to rise, not staying up late, and a balanced diet , maintain a good attitude, exercise regularly, pay attention to personal hygiene, etc. There is no need to deliberately seek various methods. Once the wrong method is adopted, it will make the body worse.

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