Try not to smoke, drink, or chew gum 30 minutes before nucleic acid test sampling

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point reporter Wang Xiaomeng

On the afternoon of March 19, the Shandong Provincial People’s Government Information Office held a The eighth press conference on epidemic prevention and control in 2022. Nucleic acid testing is being carried out at this stage, and how to do a good job in personal protection at the scene is a problem that many people are concerned about. When answering questions from reporters, Kou Zengqiang, director of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Institute of the Shandong CDC, introduced that first, start with preparations, and must follow the instructions. Try to avoid eating 2 hours before nucleic acid testing to avoid vomiting, and try your best to 30 minutes before sampling. No smoking, no drinking, no chewing gum. At the same time, it is strictly necessary to wear masks in a strict manner, and spare masks must be prepared to replace the contaminated masks in time, or to wear them in time when damaged. Before sampling, reduce swallowing and do not do throat clearing (such as expectoration and spitting).

Secondly, when sampling, wear a mask correctly, take off the mask before sampling, and put it on immediately after sampling. A distance of 1 meter must be strictly maintained. When waiting in line, do not talk, gather, or get together. When collecting oropharyngeal swabs, tilt your head back 45° and open your mouth to say “ah…”, which is convenient for rapid collection and reduces exposure time; irritating dry cough may occur during the sampling process , nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, please try to relax and take a deep breath. During the on-site sampling process, please pay attention to hand hygiene, and do not touch the sampling table, medical personnel protective clothing, etc. with your hands to avoid contamination. Try not to play with your phone and avoid some uncontrollable factors contaminating your phone. Please leave the sampling site immediately after sampling, and do not spit, vomit or stay around the sampling site.

After the final sampling, wear a disposable mask quickly and correctly. At the same time, after confirming that the personal information is correct, try not to take public transportation. It is recommended to walk or ride away. Once again, it is important to pay attention to hand hygiene before and after the test. You can use hand sanitizer or hand sanitizer to wipe your hands. In a multi-person office, wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, and drink plenty of water. Offices and residences should be ventilated daily for at least 20-30 minutes.