Why is medicine more and more developed, more and more people are sick? The earlier these cancers are detected, the better

With the rapid development of science and technology, the medical field is also making continuous progress. Now there are many talents in the industry such as medical experts and pharmacy professors, and various cutting-edge technologies and equipment are emerging one after another. All kinds of diseases should be handy.

But why is the reality: the types of diseases are becoming more and more The number of people has also skyrocketed? To say that the busiest place on earth is the hospital. The hospital is like going to a market every day, with long queues every day. In the end, why is medicine more and more developed nowadays, more and more people are sick?

Why is medicine more and more developed, but more people get sick than before?

In the past, due to the underdevelopment of science and technology, clinical disease inspection methods were limited, and the disease could not be detected in time. Some related diseases delay the best time for treatment. The current inspection methods have become diversified, and the diagnosis that cannot be made by ordinary inspection can be further confirmed by CT, B-ultrasound or needle biopsy.

With the continuous development of the society, people’s life is becoming more and more convenient now. Elevators, buses, subways or driving, one sits all day at work, and the amount of daily activity is very small; coupled with the variety of diets becoming rich and diverse, the public prefers refined foods and big fish, resulting in an increasing number of people with obesity problems. , and obesity is a high-risk factor for many types of diseases.

We also benefit from the increasing progress of medical technology, the improvement of the health environment system, and the deepening of the concept of health management, which make our average life expectancy continue to extend. When people get old, their functions are prone to degeneration, which in turn causes various senile diseases. Therefore, there are many “unhealthy” elderly people with longevity.

Which cancers are better if detected earlier?

In today’s increasingly developed medicine and technology, people’s bodies are not getting healthier. This is mainly because most of the time we do not do a good job in preventing diseases, or detect and prevent diseases as early as possible. Curing disease. Cancers like the following, the sooner they are prevented and detected, the better for health.

1. Breast cancer

Scientific and standardized treatment of early breast cancer, 5-year survival rate Can reach more than 98%, especially carcinoma in situ. Therefore, women do breast self-examination every month, and breast B-ultrasound or mammography every year.

2. Thyroid cancer

Thyroid cancer is divided into various types, among which papillary thyroid cancer and follicular thyroid cancer have good prognosis. However, medullary thyroid cancer is prone to lymphatic metastasis and has a poor prognosis.

3. Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a moderate cancer that grows slowly. The risk of distant metastasis is low, and the 5-year survival rate can reach more than 90% with early scientific and standardized treatment.

4. Testicular cancer

Testicular cancer is divided into primary and secondary. The prognosis of primary early testicular cancer is good, and the cure rate can reach more than 90%.

5. Hodgkin lymphoma

Hodgkin lymphoma is a lymphoma A type of Hodgkin lymphoma, if it occurs in young people, the cure rate of Hodgkin lymphoma in the early 5 years can reach more than 80%, and the prognosis is good.

6. Melanoma

Usually, the 5-year survival rate of melanoma can reach more than 98%, but the prognosis of melanoma in the head is poor.

7. Cervical cancer

Early detection and early treatment of cervical cancer, 5-year survival rate can reach more than 97%. Therefore, in addition to HPV vaccination, regular TCT or HPV screening should be done.

to develop 2 Small habits can effectively prevent diseases

We should cultivate the habit of drinking water actively to ensure that the daily urination volume reaches 2000 ml. Especially drinking a cup of warm water on an empty stomach after getting up in the morning can promote metabolism and nourish the stomach Intestinal, reduce blood viscosity, prevent thrombotic diseases.

Then, in terms of diet, three meals a day should be maintained, breakfast or lunch should not be omitted; a varied diet Protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats and sugars should be consumed in a balanced manner to avoid picky eaters; eat less junk food, red meat and processed meat, and focus on fresh fruits and vegetables.

Message from the doctor

If you want to be healthier, you should do: 1. Correct the bad in time Life hobbies, including smoking, drinking, staying up late, and bad emotions, etc., learn how to release pressure, cultivate more hobbies to divert attention; 2. Insist on exercising every day, such as brisk walking, cycling or skipping, to relieve Mental stress, improve heart and lung function, and improve resistance; 3. Regularly go to the hospital for physical examination to facilitate early detection of diseases and early treatment.

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