Report: Chinese people sleep an average of 7.06 hours “double reduction” will help improve the quality of sleep for students

On March 18, 2022, “China Sleep Research Report (2022)” was released in Beijing. The picture shows the conference site. China Net reporter Liu Weijia/Photo

China Net March 18 (Reporter Liu Weijia) “China Sleep Research” is edited by the Institute of Social Research of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Xilinmen Sleep Research Institute and published by the Social Sciences Literature Publishing House. The Report (2022)” (referred to as the “Report”) was released today in Beijing.

64.75% of the respondents sleep less than 8 hours a day

According to the report’s research team, the data used in this study come from the Sociology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences An online survey on sleep status of Chinese residents conducted by the Institute in November 2021. The survey samples were adults aged 18-71, and finally 6037 valid samples were obtained.

The “Report” shows that people in my country don’t get enough sleep. The average sleep time per day is 7.06 hours, and the proportion of more than 8 hours is only 7.97%, which is longer than the United States and Japan surveyed by the National Sleep Foundation in 2013. And the average sleep time of the British people per night, but shorter than the 7.61 hours of the 2018 Chinese Household Tracking Survey.

The “Report” pointed out that the factors that affect sleep duration are sleep delay caused by looking at mobile phones or the Internet, long work or study time crowding out sleep time, and sleep disorders such as insomnia.

In recent years, sleep problems have attracted widespread attention in the society. According to the analysis of the “Report”, satisfying the people’s growing needs for a better life should be based on ensuring the people’s basic sleep, continuously improving the people’s physical and mental health, improving the people’s quality of life, and promoting the benign development of society. It is hoped that individuals and society will act together and strive to improve sleep conditions.

“Double subtraction” helps to improve the sleep quality of primary and secondary school students

The report also aims at A special analysis was carried out on the impact of the “double reduction” policy on the sleep of primary and secondary school students. The “Report” pointed out that before the implementation of the “double reduction” policy, primary and secondary school students in various places generally lacked sleep, mainly due to study pressure. 69.98% of parents of primary and secondary school students said that their children’s sleep quality has improved after the implementation of the “double reduction” policy.

Analysis of the “Report” believes that these data show that the implementation of the “double reduction” policy has positive significance in improving the sleep problems of primary and secondary school students, but it still requires continuous attention from all walks of life.

The “Report” also pointed out that it is not enough to discuss sleep problems only from the discussion of living habits, and the importance of sleep research must be elevated to the measurement of people’s mental health, well-being, quality of life, and social quality. Height, sleep should be an important indicator to measure social development.