Nearly 10% of the young people at high risk of sudden death, irregular work and rest is the incentive

On February 23, a 28-year-old employee of ByteDance died suddenly in the company’s gym, which caused heated discussions in the society; on February 16, the media reported that Zhao Lei, a post-95s designer working in Shanghai, died suddenly in a rental house. The chat records before his death indicated that there were words such as “work overtime”, “stay up late” and “all night”… The phenomenon of sudden death, which had a high incidence among middle-aged and elderly people, seemed to be getting younger and younger.

▲Recently, the sudden death of young people has caused heated discussions on the Internet

The emergency center has been receiving Nearly 10% of more than 2,000 patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents are under the age of 40

According to the relevant data of the emergency department of Chongqing Emergency Medical Center in 2021, the Chongqing Emergency Medical Center will receive consultations in 2021. 2258 non-traumatic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accident patients admitted to hospital, non-traumatic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accident patients are at high risk of sudden death. Among the 2,258 patients, 214 were young people younger than 40 years old, accounting for nearly 10%; the number of sudden deaths caused by this in 2021 will be 73, including 6 young people under the age of 40.

Ai Shanmu, director of the emergency department of Chongqing Emergency Medical Center, recalled that compared with middle-aged and elderly people with underlying diseases, although the phenomenon of sudden death of young people is still rare, it has become more and more in the past two years. , mostly related to irregular work and rest.

▲Ai Shanmu is examining a myocardial infarction patient who has been rescued and out of danger

The man stayed up all night and worked overtime for many days and was dizzy and found cerebral infarction

Recently, the Chongqing Emergency Medical Center received a 32-year-old Mr. Guan. Mr. Guan came to the hospital by himself: “I’ve been groggy these days. I thought it was a problem with my cervical vertebrae, but it was useless to go for a massage.”

Mr. Guan in Chongqing He worked in a technology company. After the Spring Festival, a project he was working on was at the most critical period. Mr. Guan worked overtime for about a week to put the finishing touches on the project. They work overtime until around 4 am.”

Last week, Mr. Guan found himself suddenly dizzy occasionally. He originally thought that sitting in front of the computer for a long time caused a problem with his cervical spine, but he went to a massage parlor. The condition did not improve after physiotherapy.

After a series of examinations for Mr. Guan, the doctors of the Chongqing Emergency Medical Center found a small blood clot in his cerebral blood vessels, and then gave him relevant treatment. Ai Shanmu said: “He was very lucky. He rushed to the hospital for a checkup after he found out that he was unwell. If he has been left alone and let the cerebral infarction develop, serious accidents are likely to occur.”

After staying up late There are also these reasons for death

Modern young people’s lives are becoming more and more irregular. Staying up late is a common habit of many young people who are admitted to the hospital due to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

After the Spring Festival in 2022, the Chongqing Emergency Medical Center admitted a 19-year-old boy who was transferred from the hospital. Initially, the boy came to the hospital for examination because of high fever, sore throat and body aches. After examination, the medical staff found that the boy, who seemed to be innocuous before, was infected with Staphylococcus aureus and had begun to suffer from multiple organ failure. The medical staff quickly rescued the boy. During the inquiries, they found that the boy had only arrived in Chongqing from out of town the day before. After getting off the train, he entered an Internet cafe to surf the Internet overnight, and rushed to the hospital from the Internet cafe that morning. It is very likely that the boy was infected with germs during this period.

Ai Shanmu introduced that the boy had just experienced the exhaustion of driving and driving before staying up all night, and then staying up late would consume a huge amount of energy, resulting in a sharp decline in immune function, and the body is more likely to be infected by viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. In some patients, viral infection can also cause fulminant myocarditis, leading to acute cardiogenic shock, and patients are prone to sudden death.

On the other hand, many family members of patients with sudden cardiac death and sudden brain death believe that the patients are usually healthy and have no disease, but in fact, some young people suffer from cerebral vascular malformations, intracranial arteries. Occult diseases such as tumors, these diseases have no symptoms in daily life, and it is difficult to find them in general physical examination. When a person stays up late for a long time or for a long time, coupled with other pressures, it may cause stress in the body, sudden rise in blood pressure, etc., resulting in rupture of cerebral blood vessels and sudden death.

Ai Shanmu reminded that young people should try their best not to stay up late for a long time, not to stay up late, and after staying up late, they must seize the time to rest, stay up late, do not exercise vigorously after long hours of exertion, try not to smoke and drink alcohol, when When you experience dizziness, headache, chest tightness, chest pain, shortness of breath and other symptoms after staying up late, you must be alert and go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible to rule out risk factors.

Upstream reporter Shi Heng