Use turning tools skillfully to prevent pressure ulcers in patients!

Pressure ulcer, also known clinically as decubitus, is a common complication of long-term bedridden patients. limited damage.

Once a pressure ulcer occurs, it will not only increase the pain and economic burden of the patient, cause a huge waste of medical resources, but also may aggravate the patient’s condition. Prevention of pressure ulcers is the most economical way to address the above problems. Therefore, it is of great significance to change the focus of clinical pressure ulcers from the previous treatment of pressure ulcers to the perspective of predicting the risk of pressure ulcers and preventing the occurrence of pressure ulcers.

Pressure ulcers can be prevented, and prevention is better than cure. Clinically, some tools can be used to turn the patient over to make the process of turning over easier.

Shift decompression gloves

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Clinical use of shift decompression gloves, easy to insert under the patient, help adjust the massage body, smooth Arrange clothes and sheets to relieve pressure and prevent pressure ulcers.

Lift the sliding pad

In clinical practice, I believe that everyone often encounters the phenomenon of patient decline. Faced with this situation, do you often become a Popeye in seconds? Sometimes obese patients need at least 4 or more Nurse. In fact, this is not necessary. We have a coup to use a sliding cloth pad to transfer patients easily.

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Actually this is also possible

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General precautions

In addition, there are some conventional pressure ulcer prevention measures, such as leg nursing pads for patients lying on their sides, to protect the legs and knees. Do not let the legs and knees squeeze each other and release the pressure. Prevent pressure ulcers.

The clinical application of some auxiliary tools can not only prevent occupational injuries, but also promote patient comfort, and at the same time reduce the incidence of falls and falls from bed when moving. Improve the quality and quality of care and ensure patient safety. Simple interventions can greatly reduce the incidence of bedsores.

Image source: RICU Nursing Home