5 ways to drink water that the heart is most afraid of! Change it quickly, don’t wait for your body to hurt to regret it

When the weather is hot, many people drink more water. Although drinking more water is a good thing, drinking water in the wrong way may damage the heart.

The heart is most afraid of 5 ways to drink water

Drinking water incorrectly may bring unexpected dangers, especially if the heart is not good person.


Too fast

Many people like to gulp water, but this way of drinking water will quickly dilute the blood, increase blood flow, heart workload, Myocardial oxygen consumption will also increase accordingly, which is particularly prone to induce heart failure.


Too much

Drinking too much water can easily cause cell edema, resulting in “water poisoning”, also known as dilutional hyponatremia, causing dizziness, Symptoms such as thirst, muscle pain, and, in severe cases, sudden fainting.


Too cold

For people with bad heart, drinking cold water will increase the heart rate, increase the oxygen consumption of the heart, and induce arrhythmia and angina pectoris. Danger.


Too hot

The temperature of drinking water should not be too cold or too hot. The most suitable temperature is 10℃~30℃.

The same is true when eating and drinking soup. Don’t drink the soup right out of the pot, let it cool for a while, and then drink it slowly with a spoon.


Too little

“Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016)” recommends that adults should drink 1500-1700 ml of water per day.

Drinking too little water will increase blood viscosity, cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents, and make it easier for urinary stones to come to you.

Drinking water also varies from person to person

Different from healthy people who “drink openly”, some chronically ill patients are drinking water. Be cautious about things.


Patients with heart failure

Drink the water in the body, and ultimately rely on the heart to transport it to the whole body, and patients with heart failure often have a decreased heart rate State, too much water heart can not afford.

Therefore, heart failure patients should learn to control the amount of water they drink.

It is recommended that general heart failure patients drink no more than 1500-2000 ml of water per day; patients with frequent swollen legs, no more than 1500 ml; patients with severe heart failure accompanied by renal dysfunction, control at 500-1000 ml.

Don’t “overdrink”, you can drink a mouthful of water every hour, and slowly swallow it several times.


Patients with Diabetes

Patients with diabetes often have symptoms of thirst and drinking too much, and the amount of drinking water can sometimes affect blood sugar levels.

The water requirement of diabetics is slightly more than the average person, it is recommended to be around 2500ml, and the water can be replenished at the rate of drinking 300ml of water for half an hour.

Avoid drinking too much water before meals and before going to bed. People with high blood sugar after meals can drink some soup before meals and eat the main food.


Patients with kidney disease

For patients with kidney disease, they should really pay attention to their usual water intake , but patients of different stages and different conditions cannot be generalized.

Early stage of kidney disease: As long as there is no edema, you should also learn to drink water actively, which is beneficial to metabolism, helps the body to discharge metabolic waste, and can also prevent kidney stones and urinary tract infections.

Chronic kidney disease: There will be oliguria and edema, which means that the water you drink cannot be excreted normally, so the amount of water you drink needs to be adjusted according to the amount of urine.

The appropriate amount of water throughout the day = 500ml + the amount of urine the previous day.

Advanced kidney disease: If anuria and uremia have already occurred, the amount of water you drink at this time needs to be determined according to your body weight.

We can measure the body weight at a fixed time every day, and the daily weight gain should not exceed 0.5% of the body weight; in addition, the weight gain during the two dialysis periods is less than 3%, so as to ensure the dialysis effect.

(Healthy China Comprehensive Xiaowei Health, I am a big doctor, official WeChat, etc.)