Shanghai adds 150 local asymptomatic cases

The latest situation of the epidemic [Shanghai added 150 local asymptomatic cases] From 0 to 24:00 on March 16, 8 new local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Shanghai (including 1 case from asymptomatic infection to confirmed case) and There were 150 asymptomatic infections, of which 1 confirmed case and 69 asymptomatic infections were found in isolation and control, 1 asymptomatic infection was found in the co-investigation of people returning to Shanghai from other provinces, and the rest were found in the investigation of relevant risk groups. There were 15 newly imported confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and 6 asymptomatic infections, all of which were found in closed-loop control. (CCTV News Client)

Source: CCTV