More than 30 people were infected after a parent picked up the baby without wearing a mask after school

This afternoon (17th), Changzhou held a press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic (the fifth session).

As of 15:00 today, 33 people were newly infected with nucleic acid tests in Changzhou, including 4 confirmed cases and none 29 people were infected with symptoms. Changzhou promptly carried out terminal disinfection of the case’s residence, workplace, and key areas where they stopped. A total of 68 positive infections were found in this round of the epidemic, including 10 in Wujin District, 8 in Xinbei District, 13 in Tianning District, 35 in Zhonglou District, and 2 in Economic Development District. A total of 27 confirmed cases and 41 asymptomatic infections have been reported. All cases have been transferred to Changzhou Third People’s Hospital for centralized isolation and medical treatment.

Changzhou continues to make every effort to promote nucleic acid testing. Organize large-scale screening of key areas. As of 15:00 today, a total of 9.022 million samples have been sampled in Changzhou, and 8.817 million results have been obtained. After review, 68 cases were positive, and the rest are being tested.

Among them, a total of 934,000 samples were taken in Liyang City, and 782,000 test results were obtained, all of which were negative; a total of 570,000 samples were sampled in Jintan District, and 539,000 test results were obtained, all of which were negative; A total of 1.471 million person-times were sampled in Wujin District, 1.547 million person-times were tested positive, and 10 cases were positive after re-examination; a total of 1.226 million person-times were sampled in Xinbei District, 1.103 million person-times were tested, 8 cases were positive after re-examination; a total of 1.718 million cases were sampled in Tianning District 10,000 person-times, 1.829 million person-times have been tested, and 13 positive cases have been reviewed; a total of 2.557 million person-times have been sampled in Zhonglou District, 2.476 million person-times have been tested, and 35 positive cases have been reviewed; The test results were 528,000 person-times, and 2 cases were positive after re-examination.

Changzhou is doing a good job in the traceability of flow regulation at full speed. Enrich personnel strength, increase tracking efforts, and accelerate the race against the virus. As of 15:00 today, a total of 2,720 people in close contact and 3,205 people in sub-close contact have been checked and quarantined in the city.

Changzhou has strengthened the medical service guarantee for patients in the closed and controlled areas, and formulated the “Changzhou Yellow Code Personnel Critical and Severe Treatment Plan” to ensure that critically ill patients receive timely treatment. In “Changzhou Release”, the column “Epidemic Prevention and Control, Netizens Pay Attention to Face-to-face” was set up to respond to the hot issues of epidemic prevention and control that netizens were concerned about in a timely manner. The first issue has already launched 9 questions and answers. If you encounter difficulties in life and medical treatment, you can call the 12345 hotline at any time. We have arranged a special person to be responsible for responding to citizens’ demands in a timely manner and helping you coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems encountered.

In this round of epidemic, the genetic sequencing results of positive infected persons in Changzhou belong to the Omicron variant (BA.2 evolutionary branch), the virus spreads hidden, highly contagious, and spreads extremely fast, It is very easy to form community transmission, and standardized wearing of masks is still the most effective way to do personal protection.

Recently, outside the gate of Sanhekou Middle School in Changzhou, because a parent who picked up the child from school did not wear a mask, the virus spread rapidly within a certain range, and more than 30 people were infected. Changzhou once again reminds the general public that they must adhere to the standard wearing of masks in daily life, consciously do a good job in personal protection, actively cooperate with epidemic prevention and control measures, minimize the gathering of people, and make the city of Changzhou temporarily “quiet” , to control the spread of the epidemic as soon as possible.