Be careful of cancerous “star” king! Teach you 3 tricks to distinguish which moles are cancer disguise

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All Media Reporter Liu Xinyu Correspondent Kan Wenjing Du Chengyu

Photo/Visual China

Almost everyone has moles of various sizes on their bodies. Generally speaking, most moles on your body show a harmonious picture of “time is quiet and nothing to disturb”, and at most some people worry that it will affect the appearance. But if the mole grows bigger in a short period of time and also bulges or changes color, then you must be highly vigilant, it may be a sign of cancer!

Hu Xiaoshan, the chief physician of the Second Division of Internal Medicine, Guangzhou Medical University Cancer Hospital, said that once a mole turns into a malignant melanoma, there will be bleeding, itching and tenderness , ulcers and other symptoms, at the same time, it has high malignancy, early metastasis, and high mortality, so it needs early diagnosis and treatment in a timely manner.

Come and take a look:

Which type of moles do you belong to?

It is understood that moles are skin manifestations caused by increased melanocytes in the epidermis and dermis. Medically, there are four types of moles. You can compare them to see which type of moles you have.

Intradermal moles that are common in adults but generally do not become cancerous. The doctor said that the mole was present in the dermis layer. Several millimeters above the skin surface, smooth surface, well-defined, or papillary, or pedunculated, may contain hair, dark and uniform in color, light brown, dark brown or black.

A junctional mole with possible cancer. It is known that this type of mole occurs at birth or shortly after birth. The doctor said that the “junction” here refers to the junction of the epidermis and the dermis. More common in the palms, soles, lips and external genitalia. The surface is flat or slightly higher than the skin surface, the size is between 1-6 mm, smooth, hairless, light brown, brown-black or blue-black, with the possibility of cancerous transformation, which can be transformed into malignant melanoma.

Mixed moles, which are more common in children and adolescents, are a combination of the above two conditions. Appearance similar to junction, but slightly raised above the hide, sometimes with hair growing. However, due to the composition of junctional moles, it may also become cancerous.

A rare blue mole. The doctor said that this type of mole is more common in children, and it is more likely to occur on the arms, the backs of the hands, and the backs of the feet. Mostly benign but occasionally cancerous.

Don’t panic, 3 ways to identify cancer camouflage!

Dr. Hu Xiaoshan introduced that you should usually pay more attention to the changes of moles on your body. When the following situations occur, it may be cancer disguise.

It’s getting bigger: a small one in the past feels like it’s suddenly getting bigger now, especially when your mole is larger than 6mm in diameter, be careful! This is most likely a skin cancer such as malignant melanoma.

It’s ugly: First, it’s so ugly that it’s “colorful”, red, white, blue, and everything. Because the surface of the tumor is often a variety of different colors, such as nodular malignant melanoma is always blue-black; the second is ugly “various”, which means the shape or border is asymmetric, irregular and uneven. If the edge of the mole is uneven and serrated, it may be a skin cancer.

Tormenting: Ordinary black moles don’t feel anything, and if it itches or even stings, it is likely to be a sign of cancer!

Quick learning! Teach you 3 ways to prevent cancer.

The doctor recommends that, first of all, the moles on the body should not be exposed to the sun too much. According to relevant statistics, more than 65% of malignant melanomas and 96% of non-melanoma skin cancers originate from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, in areas with strong ultraviolet rays, you should do a good job of sun protection when going out, bring an umbrella that protects against ultraviolet rays, or use sunscreen.

Second, protect the pigmented nevus in the parts that are easily irritated by friction. The malignant transformation probability of pigmented nevi in ​​some frictional and irritable parts is significantly higher than that in other parts, such as the toes, the back of the neck, the soles of the feet, the calves, the palms, the undernails, the armpits, the elbows, the external genitalia, and the groin. Therefore, the collar of the jacket should be soft; the underwear should be loose; the underwear should not be too tight, and pure cotton products that absorb moisture and breathability are suitable; the shoes and socks should be properly tight, and the socks should be breathable and breathable. Change and wash frequently to keep them dry and clean.

Third, the way to remove moles should be reasonable. The best way to deal with pigmented moles is not to “spot” the mole, but to “cut” the mole, that is, surgical excision and biopsy. This can not only prevent early melanoma from being misdiagnosed as pigmented nevus and delay the disease, but also prevent the malignant transformation of pigmented nevus, and achieve cosmetic purposes. The doctor reminded that the recently popular spot moles, although the moles were eliminated, left scars and there is a risk of recurrence. More seriously, bad stimulation may lead to the malignant transformation of moles into melanoma. So don’t make any moles. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie