“When a person sleeps 3 times, his life is thinner than paper”, which 3 sleep? Young people still like 2 sleep, don’t sleep too much

I believe everyone has heard of the old saying, “If you sleep three times, your life is thinner than paper”. Sleep is one of the most important physiological behaviors of human beings. Maintaining adequate and reasonable sleep can not only maintain the spirit and restore physical strength, but also regulate the endocrine operation of the body and improve the body’s self-healing ability.

But as the old saying goes, some wrong sleep patterns are harmful to health. However, the modern living environment is very different from before. Modern young people often have their own living habits, and more sleep habits are derived from them, which will also have a negative impact on health and need to be corrected.

As the old saying goes: “When a person sleeps three times, his life is thinner than paper”, which three sleep are you referring to?< /p>

This first sleep should be counted as “black and white reverse sleep”

What is “black and white reverse sleep”, as the name implies, it means that the night when you should sleep is not When sleeping, choose to make up for sleep during the next day, which is more common in office workers who work shifts and those who work overtime.

But this kind of behavior is actually very harmful to the body. There is a biological clock in the human body. Habits, but if you suddenly sleep in black and white upside down, it means that the body’s biological clock will be artificially disrupted. The efficiency of self-repair, detoxification, and physical recovery during sleep will be reduced. The benefits of sleep continue to decline, and the body becomes weaker over time.

Second sleep: often sleep in late

Some friends may be dissatisfied: “I am so Tired, what’s wrong with sleeping late?”

According to research, sleep is actually a staged behavior, which is divided into light sleep, moderate sleep and severe sleep. If you sleep more than 8 hours a day, that is, “sleeping in”, the brain will be in a state of heavy sleep for a long time.

The deeper the sleep, the the time and burden required for the brain to return to a awake state will also increase. Long-term sleepiness will not only cause the thinking to become slow, but also easily increase Cerebrovascular disease risk. Therefore, it is recommended to control the sleep time at about 6 to 7.5 hours a day, go to bed early and get up early, and regular work and rest is a healthy choice.

Third sleep: sleep after a meal

After a meal, the whole body feels lazy, so many people choose to get into the bed Get some sleep and feel so healthy.

On the contrary, when you sleep after a meal, when you lie down, the gastric acid in the stomach will flow back and cannot completely cover the food in the stomach,

strong>This will undoubtedly increase the gastrointestinal burden, affect the digestive system and increase the potential risk of gastrointestinal diseases.

Not only that, after eating, a large amount of blood will be concentrated in the stomach for operation. The blood in the brain is relatively small. If you sleep, the operation efficiency of the brain will be further reduced. Not only is it easy to increase the brain The risk of vascular disease, especially for the elderly, may also pose hidden dangers to Alzheimer’s. Under normal circumstances, it is recommended to consider taking a nap at least half an hour after a meal to avoid unnecessary burdens on health.

To sum up, it is true that the ancestors said that “people sleep three times, life is thinner than paper”, and please pay attention to adjustment and correction in daily life. On the other hand, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, the lifestyles of modern young people are very different from before. Some new sleeping habits are also emerging among young people, among which there are also bad habits that are very harmful to physical health. correct.

Modern young people love to sleep “two sleeps”, and they also need to be corrected as soon as possible

①Love to sleep “sleep with makeup”

Modern life is gradually enriched, and makeup has become a compulsory course for women. Sometimes in order to ensure complete makeup, some female friends are used to sleeping with makeup on.

But in fact, such sleeping habits are very harmful to the skin. On the one hand, when the skin is metabolized during sleep at night, metabolites in the pores cannot be blocked by cosmetics. Excretion, accumulation all year round, skin pores will become larger, and skin symptoms such as acne and pimples will appear. Be sure to wash off the makeup on your face before going to bed. Only healthy is the most beautiful.

②Sleep with the light on

Many young people in modern times have basically nothing because of their superior life. Consciousness of saving, sometimes after playing with mobile phones for a long time, I fall asleep unconsciously, and the lights in the room can even be turned on overnight.

Some friends may think this is no big deal, but only in a dark environment, the body will stimulate the production of melatonin, and melatonin is to maintain skin health, melanin important substances in operation. Long-term sleeping with the light on not only makes skin more dull and rough, but also increases the rate of cell aging and accelerates human aging due to melanin deposition , please also pay attention.

In summary, “people sleep three times, life is thinner than paper”, the words left by the ancestors still have some truth. On the other hand, the wrong sleep derived from modern living habits It also needs to be corrected in time, and properly ensuring one’s own “high-quality” sleep is an effective way to care for health.


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