Knock the eye socket with a fascia gun to relax the eyes? The uncle almost went blind

Use the fascia gun to massage around the orbit, do you think it can relax your eyes and protect your eyesight? Uncle Xiao, who is in his 50s, has been “massaging” on and off for a month, but he almost went blind. The doctor reminds that the structure of the human eye is more delicate and fragile than imagined, so don’t take it for granted by tapping and pressing the eye area and eyeballs.

On March 17, at the Zhongshan Ophthalmology Center of Sun Yat-sen University, Professor Luo Lixia checked the postoperative recovery of Uncle Xiao’s eyes.

The sudden vision loss did not come out of my fascia gun massage

Uncle Xiao is from Hunan, and he usually cooks barbecue for a living. In February this year One day in the last ten days, I suddenly felt that my eyes were a little red and swollen, and my vision was blurred. I thought it was smoked by barbecue fireworks. I thought I would just take a rest. Who knows, when I woke up the next day, my eyes were almost invisible.

In the local hospital, Uncle Xiao was diagnosed with acute angle-closure glaucoma, insufficiency and dislocation of the left eye lens, and concurrent cataract in both eyes. After a few days of treatment, the effect was not good. Her daughter brought Uncle Xiao to Guangzhou for treatment.

In early March, Professor Luo Lixia from the Department of Cataract, Zhongshan Ophthalmology Center, Sun Yat-sen University received Uncle Xiao. Professor Luo remembered that when he saw Uncle Xiao’s eyes were very red and swollen, the eyeball felt “as hard as a stone”, and his eyesight was very poor, and he could only see the fingers in front of him.

How did this acute situation come about? Based on years of experience, Professor Luo judged that Uncle Xiao should have suffered trauma to his eyes, but he repeatedly asked Uncle Xiao and said that his eyes were not injured. To put it another way, have you ever massaged your eyes or hit where? Now, Uncle Xiao’s daughter remembered that her father used to “massage” around the eye socket with the fascia gun sent by his daughter-in-law.

Knock the eye socket with a fascia gun? The doctors were shocked, and Uncle Xiao’s next words made them even more shocked: not only did he press it, but he also pressed it intermittently for a month, not necessarily every day, but when he sat down and rested, he tapped it for a while, using the same tap on the shoulder and back. about the same intensity.

“Fortunately I don’t press it every day, otherwise the condition of your eyes will be worse.” Professor Luo confirmed at the time that Uncle Xiao suffered from acute angle-closure glaucoma caused by hitting the orbit and surrounding tissues with a fascia gun. .

Uncle Xiao’s father and brother have a history of glaucoma. Uncle Xiao’s risk of developing glaucoma is higher than the average person. This time, the improperly used fascia gun has become the “fire” to induce the dangerous eye disease. Sow”.

The fascia gun used by Uncle Xiao to tap around the eyes.

Do not slap, tap, vigorously rub the eye sockets and eyeballs

“We have had similar cases before, where someone patted them with their own hands. Eyeballs and eye sockets, I think it can relax the eyes, but it is not, this kind of behavior is harmful to the eyes, including the behavior of children rubbing their eyes hard.”

Professor Luo explained that the inside of the eyeball is a closed structure, and the lens is suspended in the middle of the eyeball by many suspensory ligaments thinner than a hair. Injury, after the suspensory ligament fails, the lens loses enough tension, it will move forward, blocking the pupil, the aqueous humor (a clear and clear liquid that fills the front and back chambers) that is constantly produced in our eyes every day. ) cannot be discharged from the normal circulation channel to the outside of the eye, causing the pressure in the eye to continuously increase, and the continuous high intraocular pressure will eventually lead to blindness, which is the principle of glaucoma.

So, what kind of massage intensity is appropriate? According to Prof. Luo, rubbing and scraping the eye sockets in eye exercises is no problem. “The key is not to tap or apply pressure directly“.

In addition to eye exercises, the most effective way to protect your eyes is to look at green plants in the distance, and don’t let your eyes work continuously, that is, the “three twenty” standard

strong>: After 20 minutes of using your eyes at close range (such as reading a book, doing homework, looking at a computer), look at the scene 20 feet (about 6 meters) away for at least 20 seconds.

Uncle Xiao’s condition has been relieved after surgery and drug treatment. The doctors performed phacoemulsification, intraocular lens implantation, and tension ring implantation on Uncle Xiao’s left eye, which is more serious. Replaced most of the original lens he had lost with an intraocular lens.

“I hope Uncle Xiao’s experience will give everyone a new understanding of eye protection,” said Professor Luo.

Written by: Southern Metropolis reporter Li Wen correspondent Tai Mengyun Tang Yanli