Zhang Yihao: Let intelligent imaging equipment open up the “last mile” of county medical development

The 2022 “Healthy Chinese” series of roundtable discussions hosted by People’s Health was recently held in Beijing. At the special discussion on “Medical Imaging Technology Promotes High-Quality Development of County Hospitals”, Zhang Yihao, President and CEO of GE Healthcare China, said that by promoting the full integration of digital and intelligent technologies with medical equipment and services, it is possible to effectively make up for the talent training window period. It provides new ideas for model innovation, medical service quality control, and homogenization of medical images in the county-level medical community, and provides new solutions for opening up the “last mile” of county-level medical development.

Zhang Yihao, President and CEO of GE Healthcare China

Zhang Yihao pointed out that with the prominent role of county hospitals in primary medical care, issues such as talent training began to surface. The essential.

Zhang Yihao believes that the essence of digital technology and digital application is to promote the sinking of high-quality resources and serve patients more efficiently. The construction of digital facilities in county-level medical institutions in my country is continuing to accelerate. Hospitals at all levels have put forward higher requirements for the functional value and clinical value of digital equipment, focusing on accurate diagnosis and improving the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment based on medical equipment, and put forward the goal of quality control. The demand for the homogenization of diagnosis and treatment, as well as the cost reduction and efficiency increase for the operation and management of medical assets. “In order to meet the needs of primary medical care, GE Healthcare has continued to make efforts in digital services and model innovation for county-level development. By sinking high-quality resources, it has opened up the ‘last mile’ of county-level medical development.”

Talents are a long-term challenge for primary healthcare. Whether the radiological and pathological images of primary medical institutions can meet the needs of homogeneous diagnosis depends on the technical level and standardization of imaging technicians. Zhang Yihao proposed that the full integration of digital technology and equipment can accelerate the development of grassroots talents. In addition to hardware and software, because the talents in the medical industry have the characteristics of long training cycle and instability, relying on the existing talent training mechanism cannot fully meet the rapidly growing grassroots medical needs, the government, enterprises and associations should work together Continue to promote “talent training”.

Zhang Yihao also introduced that over the years, GE Healthcare has fully integrated its advantageous resources, and has cooperated with the government and industry associations to carry out a series of multi-level and multi-dimensional trainings for grassroots clinicians, department directors and hospital management. Get through the “last mile” of county-level medical development. GE Healthcare has joined hands with people’s health and other related units to carry out the “New Journey of Health, Caring for the Grassroots” public welfare action, which has traveled to more than 20 provinces, held more than 100 events, participated in more than 100 industry experts, and participated in more than 17,000 grassroots doctors, including China CT Good Technician competition, expert exchange training, grass-roots critical illness screening and free clinics and other activities, at the same time, various forms of online and offline integration such as GE Healthcare’s “E-learning and E-use platform” are used to promote talent growth and make up for the window period of talent training, with a total of 30,000 Multi-level physicians benefit.

Zhang Yihao appealed that to improve the level of county medical care, all sectors of society should work together. GE Healthcare is willing to work with all sectors of society to accelerate domestic innovation and manufacturing, and contribute “Chinese wisdom” to accelerating the “last mile” of county medical care leading to national health. .