Staying up late will make you loose? Can I still eat overnight meals? The scientific prevention of ulcerative colitis is exquisite

“Shen Du Jun, how does a healthy colon become inflamed?”

“My God! What did I do wrong to get ulcerative colitis? “

How does colitis come about? What are the triggering factors? How to prevent it?

The superficial phenomenon is inextricably linked, but there is only one truth behind it.

Enter the Deep Reading video, enter the “Pathology of Ulcerative Colitis”, and Deep Reading will unlock the secrets behind ulcerative colitis for you.

colonlife microbes.

HaveProbiotics, can participateFood digestion, vitamin synthesis, promote intestinal peristalsis, such as Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus etc.

also has “harmful bacteria” that can produce Intestinal inflammation, such asC. perfringens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa Wait.

StomachandSmall Intestine< span>Digestion is powerful becausestomachandsmall intestine There aregastric juice, bile, etc.acidic digestive juice.

Digestive juicecaninhibit bacterial growth strong>, so stomach and small intestine< There are not many bacteria in span>.

The colon is different.

colonnoacidic digestive juices, the shape also looks like a wave.

Zoom in, each colon “pouch” with diaphragm , there are unshipped food scraps.

The residues become fertile soil forbacteria, above data:fecal solidsweight of 20%~30%is actually Bacteria, which basically come from the colon.

large numbers ofbacteriaon the one handcolonbecomes the main force of fecal production, and also makes colonbecome< strong>Intestinal inflammation is a high-incidence area.

Why do I always say it is colitis when I have diarrhea? It’s also the reason.

Of course, I don’t know why,< span>Harmful bacteriaincreased in number and began to act as demons.

Big Whitetoharmful bacteria launched an attack, destroying harmful bacteria while alsointestinal mucosal cellsnumerous deaths and injuries, colon inflammation is here.

Ifinflammation persists, it may cause intestinal walldeep spreads, and over time, intestinal wall forms< /span>ulcer, this is ulcerative colitis .

How can a healthy colon become inflamed?

At present, no one can say clearly what the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis is.

But deep reading Jun found that ulcerative colitis may be related to these factors:

Environmental factors< /span>

Climate change, mood disorders, etc., may lead toimbalance of gut flora.

Research shows that excessive stress, or Long-term negative emotions such as anxiety and irritability can easily lead to ulcerative colitis.

genetic factors

Ulcerative colitis is associated with genetic.

Scientists have identified a gene associated with ulcerative colitis, and It was found that the prevalence of parents, children, and siblings of patients was 10-15 times that of the general population.

Dietary factors

If accidentally eaten< span>Spoiled food, or drinkingdirty water, there may be A large number of bacteria and viruses enter the human body, which can easily cause intestinal infection and induce ulcerative colitis.

How can ulcerative colitis be prevented?

Good food hygiene

Pay attention to personal hygiene and defecate before meals After wash your hands frequently.

Unfinished food should berefrigerated, and overnight food must be thoroughly< /span>Heating.

Fresh fruits and vegetablesWash before eating,do not drink raw water , refrigerate raw and cooked food separately, etc.

Takeaway and fly restaurants, food hygiene is difficult to guarantee, or there will be a lot of harmful bacteria strong>orvirus, susceptible to infectioncolonic mucosa, cause ulcerative colitis!

For your intestines, eat less takeout and eat less roadside stalls!

Good mood with regular work and rest p>

In the dead of night, people do not sleep, and they only get up three poles in the morning.

A poor schedule can cause hormonal, metabolic disorders in the body, people have reduced immunity, and are more vulnerable to pathogens span>, Ulcerative Colitis.

Reminder for deep reading:

Early to bed and early to rise No less,Peace is important.

A good attitude, healthy diet, regular work and rest, and scientific exercise can enhance immunity.

“Shen Du Jun, what should be checked for colitis? Can it be cured? “

The little secrets about “Ulcerative Colitis Investigation and Treatment” have been sorted out for you by Deep Reader.

Healthy dears, get your paper and pen ready, bring a small bench, and read the next episode of your deep reading, waiting for you.

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