Peking University Medical Zibo Hospital: Severe carotid artery stenosis, double stent surgery to support “life channel”

Recently, Uncle Wang, who suffered from dizziness and headache, has severe carotid artery stenosis, and serious consequences may occur at any time. The doctors of Peking University Medical Zibo Hospital used the “carotid artery double stent” implantation operation to open up the life channel for the patient in time, and recovered and discharged smoothly.

The 74-year-old Uncle Wang has been suffering from dizziness and headaches for more than a month. He has been taking medicine at home to no avail. After receiving treatment, Zhong Tao, director of the Department of Neurology of Peking University Medical Zibo Hospital, after a systematic examination, found that Uncle Wang had two stenoses in the left common carotid aorta of 80% and 90% respectively. Multiple severe stenosis of a blood vessel, if occlusion occurs, will have catastrophic consequences, and double stent implantation is the best treatment plan. “Time is life!” Although the operation was extremely complicated, the trust of the family reassured the experts.

Zhong Tao, Director of Neurology Department, and Liu Mianchun, Director of Vascular Interventional Department, jointly performed stent implantation for Uncle Wang. The operation ended successfully. The two stents completely covered the patient’s stenotic plaque, and blood flow was unobstructed.
On the second day after the operation, Uncle Wang’s dizziness and headache were significantly relieved, and he felt that his mind was “clear”. At present, Uncle Wang has recovered and been discharged from the hospital.

“The best treatment effect can be achieved by thinking about the patient’s immediate interests. No matter how much we pay, it is worth it!” said Zhong Tao, director of the Department of Neurology, Peking University Medical Zibo Hospital. The treatment of patients varies from person to person, and doctors will formulate personalized treatment plans according to the actual situation of the patient, and strive to achieve the best treatment effect.