Drinking alcohol, staying up late, 2 young people suffered from tuberculosis in multiple organs and fell into a coma

25-year-old Yang Yi (pseudonym) was admitted to the hospital due to disturbance of consciousness and fever for one day. He was diagnosed with severe tuberculosis in multiple organs such as brain, intestine, lung, and urinary system.

35-year-old Tang Xianfeng (pseudonym) was admitted to the hospital because of dizziness, headache, fever for half a month, and disturbance of consciousness for 1 week. He was also diagnosed with severe multi-organ tuberculosis.

Recently, the tuberculosis intensive care unit of Changsha Central Hospital (Changsha Central Hospital affiliated to South China University) successively admitted 2 young patients with severe tuberculosis in multiple organs. lead to decreased immunity.

It is understood that 25-year-old Yang Yi is a worker in a factory in Yueyang. He works intensively during the day. In order to relax after get off work, he likes to stay up late to play games and chase games while smoking and drinking. Drama.

Six months ago, Yang Yi developed low fever, fatigue, cough and other symptoms, but he did not pay attention to it, and did not go to the hospital for examination and treatment until March 10, when he developed a disturbance of consciousness, She was sent to Changsha Central Hospital (Changsha Central Hospital Affiliated to South China University) by her family when she was in a coma.

The diagnosis was “tuberculosis meningitis, intestinal tuberculosis, urinary system tuberculosis, acute blood-seeded pulmonary tuberculosis” by relevant examinations.

Although Yang Yi has been actively rescued and treated by the medical staff in the tuberculosis intensive care unit, Yang Yi is still not completely out of danger, and is still in a coma. The family is worried.

35-year-old Tang Xianfeng, a private business owner working in Chenzhou, suffered from “dizziness, headache and fever for half a month on March 12. , disturbance of consciousness for 1 week” was admitted to the hospital, and was diagnosed as “tuberculosis meningitis, intestinal tuberculosis, secondary pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculous pleurisy” by relevant examinations after admission.

After active rescue and treatment, there were still intermittent convulsions, left limb paralysis, and brain stem infarction /strong>The endotracheal intubation cannot be removed due to intracranial lesions.

Inquiring about the family’s medical history and living habits, the doctor learned that Tang Xianfeng started drinking when he was less than 20 years old.

A year ago, Tang Xianfeng was diagnosed with alcoholic liver cirrhosis during his physical examination. The doctor suggested abstaining from drinking and regular treatment, but he felt that he was still young and did not pay attention to it.

Not long afterward, she developed symptoms such as cough, fatigue, headache and did not seek medical treatment. She was sent to the hospital by her family until she became unconscious.

Why do two young people of different ages and occupations suffer from intracranial, gastrointestinal and lung tuberculosis, and even kidney tuberculosis, and even lead to coma, liver and kidney insufficiency, respiratory failure, etc. life situation?

Man Jiao, chief physician of the tuberculosis intensive care unit, introduced that tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. All parts may be invaded by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, causing multi-organ tuberculosis.

In addition to being commonly seen in old and frail people, young people who stay up late for a long time, lack of sleep, smoke and drink, and have early symptoms that they don’t pay attention to are also prone to “being recruited.” “.

The following groups of people are susceptible to tuberculosis, and once they develop tuberculosis, they are particularly likely to progress to severe systemic multi-organ tuberculosis:

For example, people who often stay in Internet cafes, bars, mahjong rooms and other relatively closed places;

floating people with poor diet and living conditions, especially those who have not been vaccinated against BCG; people with low power and the elderly;

nephropathy, Hodgkin’s disease, malignant tumor, rheumatic immune disease and partial gastrectomy or diabetes and other patients with low immunity or long-term use of hormones and immunosuppressants Patients;

There are also intravenous drug users and HIV-infected patients.

Fu Manjiao emphasized that if you have suspected tuberculosis symptoms such as repeated fever, cough for more than 2 weeks, hemoptysis, etc., you must go to a tuberculosis specialist hospital in time, diagnose and treat in time, so as to prevent tuberculosis from spreading to the whole body and causing irreversible consequences.

(edited by Rainbow. Image source network, invaded and deleted)

Special author of Hunan Medical Chat: Changsha Central Hospital (Changsha Central Hospital affiliated to South China University) Chen Liang Bei Chengli