“Four catches and four promotions” in Lai’an County to ensure medical assistance for patients with mental disorders

In recent years, Lai’an County has actively explored new mechanisms for medical assistance and management of patients with severe mental disorders, paid close attention to the implementation of medical assistance management measures, and effectively prevented serious mental disorders from causing accidents and accidents. Strongly maintained the overall social harmony and stability of the county.

Strengthen organizational security and improve the work system . Incorporate the medical assistance and management of patients with severe mental disorders into the overall planning of the construction of Ping An Lai’an, and established a leading group for medical assistance and management, led by the county government The leader in charge is the team leader, and the departments of health and health, comprehensive management, public security, civil affairs, medical insurance and other departments are the member units, and the departmental coordination mechanism and information exchange and sharing mechanism have been determined, and leading group meetings and departmental coordination meetings are held from time to time. The county has formed a work pattern of medical assistance and management for patients with severe mental disorders led by comprehensive treatment organizations, division of labor by departments, family fulfillment of obligations, and social participation.

Grasp the system guarantee and promote clear work flow . Formulate the Interim Measures for Medical Assistance and Management of Patients with Severe Mental Disorders in Laian County, establish a work system for medical assistance and management of patients with severe mental disorders, and clarify the relief items and scope, formulate procedures such as medical assistance and management workflow, assistance card processing, etc. Increase the annual upper limit of outpatient assistance funds for patients with severe mental disorders. After receiving medical insurance reimbursement and one-stop civil affairs assistance for the inpatient treatment expenses of the assistance objects, the medical expenses borne by individuals will be guaranteed by the financial bottom line. The drug maintenance treatment of patients with severe mental disorders is included in the outpatient co-ordination, and is implemented as an outpatient special disease with reference to the inpatient reimbursement standard, realizing one-stop outpatient settlement.

Focus on financial security and promote medical assistance . Incorporate the medical assistance and management of patients with severe mental disorders into the county’s financial security, and provide 1 million yuan each year as a budget for medical assistance. The deficiencies in the implementation will be guaranteed according to the actual salvage expenses incurred in the current year. Up to now, the county has issued medical assistance cards to 622 people with severe mental disorders, including 134 outpatient assistance and 344 inpatient assistance in 2020, with a total assistance amounting to 1.413 million yuan; in 2021, 138 outpatient assistance and 582 inpatient assistance will be provided. The total amount of assistance reached 2.065 million yuan.

Strengthen management guarantee and promote service capability improvement. The medical assistance for patients with severe mental disorders is closely integrated with daily management, and each township takes the lead in establishing the head of the village committee, with guardians and comprehensive treatment specialists. The care and assistance group for patients with severe mental disorders, including medical personnel, police at the police station, disabled persons’ federations, and civil affairs personnel, regularly visits the medical assistance recipients to follow up on the patient’s condition in a timely manner, and urges the patient to take medication and maintain a stable condition. For patients with unstable conditions, the prevention personnel will refer them to the higher-level medical institutions after symptomatic treatment, and report to the police station, comprehensive treatment specialists and other members of the care and assistance team in the jurisdiction, so that the patients can be effectively managed and controlled. (Yang Fangfang)