Yongzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital TCM Nursing Clinic Gains Loyal “Fans”

Red Net Moment March 16th News (correspondent Cai Huiying) “Thank you very much! I chose the right hospital! After the treatment, I don’t feel dizzy or flustered, sleep better, and walk with energy!” said Yang, an insomniac patient, happily.

The 73-year-old Yang has been suffering from insomnia for more than ten years. Unable to sleep at night, lack of energy during the day, irritable and grumpy, and high blood pressure for a long time, the heart also has problems, Yang is miserable. After being introduced by someone, I went to the nursing clinic of Yongzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in the spirit of trying it out.

Nursing expert Jiang Jing carefully inquired about the medical history, looked at the tongue coating, pulse diagnosis and other systematic TCM diagnosis, performed syndrome differentiation and nursing, and used multiple acupoint massage and scraping treatments on the head and face. Yang fell asleep during the first treatment. After half a month, the quality of sleep has improved significantly. Yang told his wife in surprise that Yongzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital was worth a try. Yang’s wife suffers from cervical spondylosis and cerebral arteriosclerosis. She is always dizzy and numb in her hands. Nursing experts have formulated treatment plans for her, such as head and neck massage, scraping, and pitaya. After a course of treatment, Yang’s wife felt dizzy and relieved, and she was refreshed.

Now, Yang and his wife have become loyal “fans” of the hospital, and they praise the good treatment effect of the TCM nursing clinic, and the nurses are friendly and meticulous!

At present, the TCM nursing clinic of Yongzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has carried out more than 30 TCM characteristic nursing techniques. The health of the masses is injected with new vitality.

Source: Red Net

Author: Cai Huiying

Editor: Wang Yang