Sudden cardiac arrest in epilepsy, Nanchang First Hospital staged life-and-death speed saving patient’s life

Dajiang Net/Dajiang News Client News Zhou Mi, reporter Du Yuwei reported: “Quick, old man, unconscious, call it out. Yes, accompanied by twitching of the limbs, trismus, foaming at the mouth, consider status epilepticus…” Recently, at the entrance of the emergency department of Nanchang First Hospital, there was a sudden cry for help. A 120 ambulance brought a comatose, cyanotic, twitching patient.

Upon learning of the situation, Li Xinming, the chief physician of the Department of Neurology of Nanchang First Hospital, rushed to on site. After discovering that the patient was Lao Luo, an old patient in the hospital, Li Xinming immediately gave a treatment plan based on Lao Luo’s past medical history. “This seizure is considered to be diagnosed as status epilepticus, with rapid heart rate, low blood pressure, and low blood oxygen saturation. Immediately deflect the patient’s head to a lateral position to avoid aspiration and organize rescue…” Li Xinming said.

Then, in the rescue room, clear the airway, increase the oxygen flow, speed up the infusion rate, give a breathing air bag to assist breathing, increase blood pressure, control epileptic seizures, urgently check blood routine, blood biochemistry, blood gas analysis, electrocardiogram A series of operations are carried out in an intense, fast and orderly manner.

After a series of rescue measures, Lao Luo’s status epilepticus has been controlled, but his blood pressure and blood oxygen saturation are still very low. Deng Youqing, director of the Department of Neurology, who arrived immediately, was ready to intubate the patient’s trachea.

However, at this moment, Lao Luo suddenly stopped breathing and his heartbeat stopped. Deng Youqing decided to give CPR immediately and quickly complete the endotracheal intubation. After the tracheal intubation was successful, Lao Luo regained his own heartbeat and his blood oxygen also increased. However, Lao Luo’s blood pressure is still very low, and his spontaneous breathing has not recovered.

Deng Youqing knows that time is life, and Lao Luo’s spontaneous breathing must be restored quickly , in order to minimize the occurrence of sequelae.

“Quick, continue the rescue!” Chest compressions, air bag compression ventilation, epinephrine, electrical defibrillation, execution of doctor’s orders, observation of vital signs… Finally, in the neurology department, nervous and orderly, After quick, steady and unyielding rescue, Lao Luo’s spontaneous breathing resumed, blood oxygen, blood pressure, and heart rate were gradually stabilized, bilateral pupils also retracted and the reflex to light was restored, and the limbs were also stimulated to contract. This thrilling rescue was a success, and the patient Lao Luo won the race against death.

“I know that at that time my family was ready to sign and give up the rescue. I sincerely thank the doctors and nurses. You gave me a second life!” The day after the rescue was successful, Lao Luo said: wake up. He not only answered fluently, but also left no obvious sequelae.