These 16 common “health tips” are really not that healthy…

It is said that contemporary young people have three major problems:

hair loss, no money, rumors in the family group

The “hardest hit areas” are all related to health care

“Drinking yogurt after meals to digest food”, “Drinking porridge can nourish the stomach”, “Some foods cannot be eaten together”… Are these “health suggestions” familiar to everyone?

However, I want to tell you that there are many “pits” in the lifestyle you think are healthy! We have compiled 16 common “health rumors” for you, be sure to collect them~

— Healthy Eating —

1. Drinking yogurt after meals can help digestion

Truth: Can’t digest food and will add calories.

Answer: Dietitian Li Yuanyuan said in a 2015 article that, in fact, drinking yogurt after eating has little effect on digestion.

Yogurt itself is a food with a strong sense of satiety. Drinking it after a meal will make you feel fuller. In addition, the protein and other ingredients contained in yogurt also need to be initially digested in the stomach, which will increase the burden on the stomach and increase the extra calories.

2. Drinking grain powder is healthier

Truth: Eat whole grains, the less processed the better.

Answer: Wang Yumei, former director of the Nutrition Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tsinghua University, pointed out in an interview in 2014 that it is easier to digest and absorb whole grains if they are ground into powder or into rice paste.

However, patients with chronic diseases should pay special attention, such as diabetics, excessive consumption of whole grain powder can easily lead to a rapid rise in blood sugar.

In addition, because food contains a small amount of fat, the contact area with the oxygen in the air is greatly increased after being powdered, which is very prone to oxidation, which not only reduces the nutritional value, but also produces some substances that are unfavorable to health.

It is recommended to eat as many whole grains as possible, the less processed the better.

3, light diet = vegetarian, eat less meat

Truth: Be light.

Answer: For patients with “three highs”, doctors will recommend a light diet, but it does not mean that they are vegetarian, and do not eat fish, meat, eggs, and milk.

Li Quanmin, director of the Department of Endocrinology of the Rocket Army Special Medical Center, published an article in 2019: The standard of light diet is less oil, less salt, and less sugar.

“Meat” is a source of high-quality protein, as well as a source of B vitamins and important trace elements. For example, fish, shrimp and skinless poultry are high-protein, low-fat meats, which are very suitable for people with “three highs”.

4. Drinking porridge can nourish the stomach

The truth: The knowledge of nourishing the stomach is great, and the function of the stomach is “use it and lose it”.

Answer: Probably because white porridge looks bland and is often boiled until it is soft and easy to digest, it is labeled as “stomach nourishing”.

But having a bad stomach and nourishing the stomach are two very broad concepts, and the details involved are intricate. Therefore, there is no definitive answer to whether drinking porridge can nourish the stomach or not.

If you are talking about stomach discomfort, you mean stomach discomfort caused by insufficient gastric motility, low gastric acid secretion, and indigestion, then drinking some white porridge will help the secretion of gastric acid, and it is easy to digest.

But if it refers to stomach pain, acid regurgitation, etc. caused by excess stomach acid or reflux, then always drinking white porridge will make it worse.

Linghu Enqiang, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of the First Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital, said at an event in 2018 that the stomach function has the characteristics of “use it and lose it”. will deteriorate.

5. The longer the soup is cooked, the more nutritious it is

Truth: Cooking soup for too long is more likely to induce gout.

Answer: People often think that the longer the soup is cooked, the more nutrients in the ingredients are dissolved into the soup, and the health value is naturally higher.

But not so. Guan Yang, Department of Nutrition, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, said in 2017 that the nutrition of soup has nothing to do with the time of making soup. Even if it is boiled for a long time, there may be “negative effects”.

First of all, the nutrients dissolved in the soup from the ingredients are actually relatively limited, and the stewing time is too long, which may lead to the loss of nutrients. For example, the protein in the ingredients will be denatured, which will affect the absorption and utilization of the human body.

What’s more, both meat and vegetarian dishes may contain purines, which are soluble in water. As the stewing time increases, the purine content in the soup will also increase. Uric acid is a product of purine metabolism. If you drink this soup in large quantities for a long time, it may lead to an increase in uric acid. High uric acid can easily lead to gout, chronic nephritis, kidney stones and other diseases, which have an impact on the health of the whole body.

Therefore, the soup is not boiled for a long time, the better. If the soup is boiled for too long, I advise everyone to drink less.

6. Egg yolk is high in cholesterol

Can’t eat with high blood lipids

Truth: Eating in moderation does not cause high cholesterol.

Answer: Egg yolks are rich in a variety of trace elements, are also an excellent source of cholesterol-lowering phospholipids, and can promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. There is also choline (to help lower blood lipids and prevent atherosclerosis).

Many people worry that the cholesterol content in egg yolk is too high to cause hyperlipidemiaSeveral studies have shown that moderate egg intake (about 1 egg per day on average) is associated with a reduced risk of ischemic heart disease, major coronary events, and hemorrhagic stroke among Chinese adults.

7, food is restrained

TRUTH: The food-for-all theory doesn’t exist.

Answer: Spinach and tofu cannot be eaten together, and they are easy to form stones; seafood and fruits are eaten together, which is equivalent to eating arsenic…”The theory of food mutual restraint” should be one of the most widely circulated health rumors.

Ge Keyou, honorary chairman of the Chinese Nutrition Society, said in an interview in 2011 that there is no scientific basis for food incompetence.

How did these experiences of not eating together come about? Others will say: “I myself have eaten food that is mutually exclusive, which caused my stomach to hurt!”

Actually, people tend to attribute some unpleasant dietary problems to “food forbidding”, which easily raises the case to a general rule, resulting in a large number of wrong food-forbidding advices.

If you feel sick after eating certain foods, think about these reasons:

The food is not clean, such as incomplete heat sterilization;

Improper way of eating, such as undercooked beans;

Food intolerance or allergy, such as lactose intolerant people who drink milk will have diarrhea;

Irritable bowel syndrome, such as diarrhea at the slightest irritation.

There are also seemingly scientific analyses that are actually unreliable.

For example, arsenic, the chemical name is arsenic trioxide. The nutrient composition table shows that seafood such as shrimp and crabs do contain trace amounts of arsenic, but it is mainly harmless organic arsenic, which is basically excreted intact after ingestion. When the arsenic contained in shrimps and crabs is combined with vitamin C in fruits, arsenic trioxide (that is, arsenic) will be produced. However, experts say that in order to achieve the poisoning amount, it may be necessary to eat 300 kilograms of shrimp at one time.

8. Drinking pure water can turn into an acidic constitution

Truth: The acid claim itself is unreliable, and if bodily fluids are really “acidic,” water won’t solve the problem.

Answer: The acidity of body fluids in different parts of the human body is different. For example, the pH of blood is about 7.35 to 7.45. There is no need to eat or drink anything. The human body can adjust itself and keep the blood at this weak alkaline. Therefore, the existence of an “acidic constitution” in healthy people is a pseudo-concept, and there is no need for “improvement”.

If the body fluid is really “acid”, it must be a disease condition, such as diabetes and cancer. These conditions require medication, no matter what water you drink.

The products you paid for by improving your acidic constitution, whether it’s water or pills, are deceiving you and not negotiating. You know, the founder of the “acid-base constitution theory” in the United States has been sentenced by the court, demanding $105 million in compensation for a cancer patient because he used so-called alkaline therapy to cancer patients without a medical qualification. treatment”, delaying regular treatment.

Robert O. Young, founder of acid-base constitution theory


9. Drink some wine before going to bed to help sleep

Truth: Disturbs the entire sleep state.

Answer: Niu Yajuan, chief physician of Beijing Huilongguan Hospital, said in 2015 that alcohol seems to be beneficial to sleep on the surface, but it may actually interfere with sleep and disturb the entire sleep state.

Alcohol may initially shorten the time to fall asleep, however, as the effects of alcohol wear off, frequent awakenings ensue, leading to a decrease in overall sleep quality.

If sleep is regularly disrupted by bedtime drinking, especially chronically, daytime health and neurocognitive functions such as learning and memory can also be significantly impaired.

10. Drinking milk before going to bed helps sleep

Truth: Minimal effect.

Answer: Wang Zhong, a clinical nutritionist at the Fifth People’s Hospital of Chengdu, said in an interview in 2021 that “drinking milk before going to bed helps sleep” is theoretically possible, but the sleep aid effect is weak.

Alpha-lactalbumin in milk contains 5.3% tryptophan, which can synthesize 5-hydroxytryptophan in the body, which is further metabolized into melatonin, which is involved in sleep regulation.

However, the content of tryptophan in milk is very small, and the content that enters the human body to reach the brain is even lower, so the sleep aid effect is weak.

11. Sleeping on a pure hard bed with waist support

Truth: A hard plank for waist support, but not a hard plank

Answer: Wu Shaopeng, director of the Third Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Second Hospital of Guangdong Province, said in an interview in 2016 that sleeping in a bed with a certain hardness can eliminate the pressure on the intervertebral disc caused by weight-bearing and weight, which is beneficial to relieve the symptoms of low back pain.

However, if you sleep directly on a hard board, it cannot match the normal curve of the human spine, and the waist cannot be supported, and symptoms such as backache and back pain will occur. The bed should be cushioned with a 3-5 cm cushion.

12, usually stay up late can be

Remedy by sleeping on weekends

Truth: Staying up late on weekends is hard to make up

Answer: Li Yan, chief physician of the Department of Psychological Sleep, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in an interview in 2012 that she usually works overtime.Staying up late and expecting to make up for sleep on weekends is a one-sided idea.

Long-term deprivation of sleep will cause physical exhaustion, weakened immunity, and worsening physical fitness. At the same time, if you sleep too long, brain cells will not get enough oxygen and nutrients, which is why you feel very tired after sleeping too much on weekends.

—Medical Health—

13. Vitamin C can prevent colds

Truth: It doesn’t prevent colds.

Answer: A meta-analysis published in 2018, which aggregated 45 studies, concluded that vitamin C does not prevent colds.

Therefore, for now, there is no “solid hammer” to prove that vitamin C prevents and treats colds. Since vitamin C does not prevent the common cold, let alone the flu.

Then the vitamins have no other effect?


Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is abundant in fruits and fresh vegetables. Guinea pigs and primates (including humans) cannot synthesize vitamin C, but it is indispensable, so it can only be obtained from food.

Vitamin C in food is absorbed by the human small intestine and has many functions:

Helps synthesize collagen, treat scurvy, prevent gum recession, bleeding, antioxidants, etc…

In general, most people can get enough vitamin C from their daily diet without taking additional vitamin C supplements.

Moreover, taking large amounts of vitamin C may cause abdominal pain, rash, induce gout, and even cause thrombosis, urinary stones, kidney damage, etc.

14. Massage the cervical spine can cure cervical spondylosis

Truth: Do not massage indiscriminately.

Answer: Wang Xiaoheng of the Third People’s Hospital of Chenzhou City, Hunan Province pointed out in a 2012 article that cervical spondylosis is a common disease of the elderly over 65 years old. Although after vigorous massage, the patient feels relatively comfortable for a short time, but the symptoms quickly return. It will appear and will accelerate the development of cervical spondylosis.

After vigorous massage, the muscles are edema, and a vicious circle is formed repeatedly, and the massage intensity gradually increases. Long-term vigorous massage will destroy the stability of the cervical spine, accelerate the degeneration and protrusion of the intervertebral disc, and make the cervical spinal cord more severely compressed. Patients with neck discomfort that does not relieve within 3 to 5 days should go to a regular hospital as soon as possible, and do not massage at will.

15. Seasonal infusion can pass blood vessels

Truth: This method does a lot of harm.

Answer: Ji Xunming, director of the Beijing Institute of Serious Brain Diseases, said in an article published in 2016 that this method is not only harmful, it is not only useless, but it may even “kill people”.

President Ji Xunming explained: There are many high-risk factors leading to stroke. Take ischemic stroke patients with atrial fibrillation as an example, the root cause of the disease is atrial fibrillation. If the patient does not take precautions and infuses them blindly, it is like taking the wrong weapon in a war, but it is easy to die.

Let’s talk about “infusion throttling”. The so-called “traditional Chinese medicine injection for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis can dredge blood vessels, reduce blood viscosity, and prevent cerebral thrombosis”, which seems fresh and reasonable, but has no scientific basis. So far, there has been no scientific clinical comparative study on the annual regular infusion and no infusion after stroke. Infusion may cause heart failure, drug allergic reactions, etc., which may induce or aggravate the disease.

16. The child has a fever and sweats, and the fever is relieved quickly

Truth: More likely to cause serious illness.

Answer: Wu Jun, Chief Physician of Pediatrics, Peking University Shougang Hospital, pointed out that it is not suitable for ordinary people, especially babies, to sweat with a quilt after a cold.

Because the baby’s limbs lack blood supply and the nervous system is not fully developed, the nerves responsible for managing vasodilation and contraction are prone to disorder. If they are wrapped too tightly, they will not be able to dissipate heat, and at the same time will lead to dehydration, metabolic acidosis, and more serious It can also cause cerebral hypoxia. Clinically, there is a disease exclusive to children – “covered syndrome”, which is a serious disease caused by the wrong wrapping of the baby. Children are in the fever period, especially should pay attention to heat dissipation, not cover.

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(Healthcare Shenzhen WeChat Official Account)