Why do you keep exercising, but you can’t lose weight? 5 reasons why you need to self-examine and adjust

During the period of fat loss, many small partners have been insisting on exercising, but their weight has not changed much. Why is this? Everything is logical, and fat loss is no exception. We say that if you want to lose fat successfully, it is actually more of a lifestyle change. And exercise is just a point in your lifestyle. If you only focus on exercise during fat loss and ignore other factors, such as diet, sleep, emotions, etc., is it possible to lose weight? It’s entirely possible. But the efficiency is too low, the cost performance is too poor, and the sustainability is not good enough. On the other hand, if you keep exercising but can’t reduce it, then the problem is not necessarily due to exercise. There are many reasons. Let’s analyze them one by one and give solutions.

Cause analysis and solution

Insist on exercising, but the weight does not change much, or even indifferent, there may be the following reasons:

< strong>First, body hormone levels and drugs

Analysis: Whether we gain muscle, lose fat or The transformation of body composition actually affects the changes in hormone levels in our body through external eating and sleeping exercises. If the hormone level in the body exceeds the normal secretion range of the human body for some reason, it is difficult to adjust through a natural lifestyle. For example, some of your friends have serious hormonal problems such as thyroid, polycystic ovary syndrome, and diabetes. In addition, some friends may take some blood pressure, antidepressant and female hormone drugs to balance their physical state during fat loss. If they have hormones or are using drugs, they want to use diet, exercise and sleep. Losing weight is extremely difficult.

Suggestion: Losing fat is not the first thing you should think about when you have hormone problems or are taking medication Well, the first element is to balance the body first. It is recommended to consult a doctor for advice. At the same time, it is recommended that when setting exercise goals, focus on physical health and recovery, solve the main contradictions of the body, and then consider the matter of increasing muscle and reducing fat. But taking a step back, whether you have a physical problem or not, a good lifestyle is always advocated, which includes exercise, diet, sleep and emotional management.

Second, eating too much or not exercising enough


strong>We all know that losing fat is a simple yet complex numbers game. When the body’s calorie intake is less than the consumption, the weight will decrease, and vice versa. If you have been exercising but the intensity of exercise is not enough, and you have not managed your diet, you will consume more and consume less. Even if you persist in exercising, your weight may not change much because of the fact that your calorie intake is greater than your consumption.

Suggestion: Adjust your diet and manage your own diet, preferably by quantifying your diet or Timely check-in record of meals. The advantage of this is that when the amount of exercise is constant, it can adjust its own dietary calories over time. Or maintain the original state of diet, increase the intensity of exercise, and observe the changes in your physical state after a period of time, you can also find problems. One thing to pay attention to here is that when adjusting the diet to create a calorie deficit, you must not have too much calorie deficit. Generally, 250~500 calories are recommended, or a gap ratio of 10~25% of the original calories.

Third, eat less and exercise more intensely

Analysis: The relatively extreme situation is to eat less and exercise more, with less intake and a larger amount of exercise. In this case, the effect is obvious in the early stage of fat loss, but within ten days and a half months, the weight will remain unchanged. At this time, there will be many friends who think that they are not exercising enough or eating too much, so they increase the exercise intensity or continue to reduce calories, but the weight still does not move and may increase. This is because when the calorie deficit is very large, the stress hormone cortisol in the body will continue to be secreted and released in a relatively large amount, which will result in an increase in fat anabolism and a slowdown in the digestive system. At this time, the human body will subconsciously People who think that they are in a state of crisis, increase their calorie reserves in case of emergency, and weight loss has become a small probability thing. Most of these cases occur in aerobic-based fat loss methods, such as aerobic exercise such as cycling and long-distance running.

Suggestion: It is not a good way to lose fat by eating less and exercising more. The solution is to first Plan the diet and training plan, and adjust the daily calorie deficit to less than 500 kcal. At this time, due to the excessive suppression of the body in the early stage, when the ingredients enter the body, especially the sodium and carbohydrates, it will also bring about an increase in water content. The body weight rebounds. But after the body has been adjusted and balanced for a few days, and the diet and exercise intensity are well coordinated and there is a calorie deficit, then the weight will start to drop step by step. The whole process is more complicated, but the core is the diet structure Good and there is a calorie deficit, and moderate exercise. If the exercise intensity is too high, then the corresponding diet and rest also need to keep up.

Fourth, sleep quality

Analysis:If you often stay up late and have poor sleep quality, the entire hormone level of the human body will be disturbed. Sleep can balance the body Hormone levels.When sleep quality decreases, the levels of hormones related to fat anabolism, such as ghrelin and cortisol, will increase, while the levels of hormones related to fat catabolism, such as insulin, leptin, will decrease Sensitivity decreases, and the secretion of testosterone and growth hormone in the human body will also decrease. All of these seriously affect the metabolism of fat and also make the human body more inclined to consume high-calorie foods during the day. As a result, It is likely to offset the positive factors such as fat loss and weight loss brought about by persistent exercise consumption.

Recommendation: Sleep quality Not high, there may be many reasons. If it is work, life, emotion or other daily life Chronic stress can be addressed by communicating and diverting the source of stress. In addition, do not consume stimulant drinks such as alcohol, tea and coffee within 5 or 6 hours before going to bed, stay away from electronic screens and electronic devices half an hour before going to bed to avoid excessive nervousness, and adjust the lights in the bedroom Being in the dark state is conducive to the adjustment of melatonin and taking a hot bath to relax the body, etc., will help improve the quality of sleep.

Fifth, improved muscle mass


strong>It is not all the negative reasons for insisting on the same exercise weight, and there may be good factors that we have not found. For example, muscle mass is improved and fat is reduced. After training, especially strength training, muscle fibers are torn. At this time, the human body needs carbohydrates and protein for nutritional supplementation. Carbohydrates entering the body will be converted into glycogen, making the level of glycogen higher than before, 1g of sugar with 3g of water, so the body weight will also change due to changes in glycogen and water, especially lower body training because of muscle The amount is relatively large, so this phenomenon will be more obvious. At the same time, there is a corresponding loss of fat, so there may be a balance of weight at some point.

Suggestion: In this case, we can judge by measuring the body circumference or observing the body fat rate in the mirror, if all the data are consistent with the trend If everything is good, then this is still a virtuous cycle, just maintain the existing diet and training. On the contrary, when the circumference, body fat percentage and weight are no longer changed, you can adjust the dietary gap or increase the exercise intensity to promote the body to further lose fat. On the other hand, after a few days of stopping training, the body will also lose weight due to the decline in the level of strength and muscle, resulting in a decline in the body’s glycogen reserves. Continued weight loss may not necessarily fail to lose fat, but weight loss may not necessarily mean fat loss.

The above are some of the possible reasons that are often seen. Everyone should go to self-examination and adjust according to their daily fat loss behavior. It may also be the result of a combination of multiple reasons.

Performance recommendations during fat loss

Finally, I also gave some reasonable suggestions during fat loss, I hope it can help everyone .

The calorie gap does not need to be set too large when losing fat. 250~500 kcal, or a gap ratio of 10~25% of the original calorie is relatively recommended. At the same time, it is also necessary to understand that the speed of scientific fat loss is not very fast. About 0.5~1kg a week is an ideal range.

In terms of dietary structure, under the premise of a calorie deficit, a balanced diet should be achieved. In a fat-reducing diet, the proportion of carbohydrate intake accounts for about 45-55% of the total calories throughout the day, protein is about 25-35%, and fat is about 15-25%. At the same time, do not neglect vegetables and fruits. In a word, the more comprehensive and balanced the nutrition, the better the fat reduction effect and the more beneficial to health.

When exercising, don’t be too extreme. If your weight does not change for a long time, it is not necessarily a problem of exercise intensity. You can analyze it from other factors. It is also recommended to combine strength training and aerobic training when exercising. The combination of the two can bring the greatest benefits to the body.

Special emphasis on sleep quality, good sleep, good body and good figure, regular work and rest can provide the best physical state and hormone balance. It can be said that if the quality of sleep is not good, then diet and exercise may not work as well as they should.

Managing daily emotions is very positive for the body’s metabolism, absorption and digestion, and fat reductioneffect.

Concluding remarks

Exercise is only one part of the whole fat loss period. It requires the cooperation of various aspects such as diet, sleep, and emotions. The quality of the body and the health of the body are to a large extent the reflection of a person’s living habits. Taking care of all aspects is the correct way to think about not being too thin or overly reliant on a certain point. A change of mindset is important to the perception of fat loss. Again, losing fat and fitness is not about strength, but science. Finally, I hope everyone can achieve their goals. Come on, everyone. Let’s encourage each other.