Leg training should be the focus of your training! Five common leg training exercises for you

Having a strong body seems to be every man’s dream, and it seems to be the characteristic of all males in nature. Many mammals, males are usually the type of strong body, and strong body is also healthy The reference standard is usually favored by females.

The same is true for humans. Boys, as male hormone-dominated individuals, are born with far more muscle mass than girls, and have more testosterone in their bodies. It is more suitable for muscle growth. Under the control of such excellent talent, if you don’t develop some muscles, it seems a bit of a waste of talent.

And most boys go to the gym, usually hoping to develop clear 6-pack abs, full pectoralis major, inverted triangle back And thick arms… After all, these are “facial muscles”. If you practice these areas well, it will be easy for people to find your strength, but if you have some common sense of fitness, you will find that your legs are actually Muscles are the focus of your training.

Why focus on leg training?

Nowadays, many people refuse to practice legs. It is true that if you have a hearty leg training, the feeling must be very painful. This kind of pain is not only from the training process. The soreness, and the next three or four days, or even a week of “being unable to take care of myself”, the feeling of wanting to roll down the stairs, I believe everyone who has practiced legs has experienced it.

But even so, leg training should still be the focus of your training, because leg muscles account for more than 70% of the body’s total muscle mass , Doing leg training will make you burn more calories in a single training session and have a better fat loss effect.

Leg training is never muscle isolation, other muscles in your body will also participate in leg training, take the leg Take training the most common squat deadlift as an example, to complete a squat or deadlift, almost all muscles in the body including shoulders, back, chest, core muscles, etc. will be involved, the training is very comprehensive, and the leg training process It also promotes the secretion of testosterone in the body, making your muscle building more efficient.

Of course, the thinner and more attractive the legs of girls, the thicker and stronger the legs of boys. With the increase of age, the muscle content in the body will gradually decrease. As the leg with the most muscles in the human body, it is of course the part with the most reduction. The loss of muscle will also make our movements slow, and various joint problems will also be found. Up, especially the support problem is more common. When you are young, you store more muscles for your legs. When you are old, you will definitely thank you when you were young.

And almost all actions in life will use the leg muscles, especially in sports, the lower limbs are more frequently involved, if we pay attention to the legs The exercise will make our lower limbs more stable, and will reduce the risk of many injuries during exercise, especially the protection of the knee and ligaments is very obvious.

So we have no reason not to do leg training. Next, we recommend a set of leg training exercises for you to help us effectively improve our legs. muscles to build strong lower limbs.

Example of exercise:

Exercise 1: Barbell hip thrust, target: gluteus maximus

Attach the lower corner of the shoulder blades to the side of the flat bench, adjust the position of the feet so that the calves are perpendicular to the ground, place the barbell on the hips a little upwards, hold the barbell with both hands apart, press the hips against the hips, and push the hips The joints are pressed to the body parallel to the ground.

Action Two: RomaniSub deadlift, targets: hamstrings, glutes

Keeping your back straight, bend your hips back , Bend down, keep your calves vertical to the ground when you bend over, and then use your hips to push your hips forward to return to the original position. During the movement, imagine that the upper body is a whole, the spine does not change in curvature, and the knees always point to the toes Directions

Movement 3: Barbell Squat, Target: Glutes

feet with shoulders Stand wide, with your toes separated naturally, keep your back straight and your core tight, place the barbell behind your neck, bend your hips, bend your knees, sit back and squat down, squat until your thighs are parallel to the ground, and your back should be parallel to your calves. Keep your knees and toes in the same direction.

Exercise Four: Seated Leg Curl, Target: Hamstrings

Keep during action Keep your back straight, your core tight, and don’t rely on the curvature of your lumbar spine when you curl your legs.

Exercise 5: lunges, target: hips and legs

Stand with feet hip-width apart , On the basis of the stability of the body, step one leg backward, sit down and squat with the buttocks backward, squat until the front leg and thigh are parallel to the ground, and then stand up, keep the body from shaking during the movement, the center of gravity is always in the center of the body, and the knees and The toes are in the same direction.