Should the child grow up to treat hepatitis B? Wrong! The sooner the better

March 18 is National Liver Love Day. For children with chronic hepatitis B, some parents believe in the misconceptions that “hepatitis B cannot be cured” and “hepatitis B can be treated when the child grows up”, which brings adverse effects on the physical and mental health of children.

On March 16, Hunan Children’s Hospital released the latest treatment research data for the past three years: the Department of Hepatology of Hunan Children’s Hospital admitted more than 500 children with hepatitis B, and the cure rate was 58.6%, of which children under 3 years old For children with chronic hepatitis B, the cure rate is close to 70%. Ouyang Literature, chief physician of the Liver Disease Center of Hunan Children’s Hospital, reminded that children with chronic hepatitis B should be detected and treated early.

According to Ouyang’s literature, more than 85% of children infected with hepatitis B virus are caused by mother-to-child transmission, and a few are caused by other methods such as blood transfusion products. After children are infected with hepatitis B virus, most of them will turn into chronic hepatitis B and rarely clear it on their own. “Since most chronic hepatitis B has no symptoms, and a small number of children have only mild gastrointestinal symptoms, parents are easy to ignore.” But the absence of symptoms is not harmless to the body. It progresses slowly and can cause long-term health effects, including liver damage. , liver cirrhosis, liver failure, liver cancer and even death.

Ouyang Wenxian, chief physician of the Liver Disease Center of Hunan Children’s Hospital, examined the child.

“If a child suffers from hepatitis B at a young age but is not actively treated, when the child grows up, it may be detrimental to his or her mental health; in addition, if hepatitis B affects liver function, the child’s normal life will be affected. Destruction.” Ouyang Wenxian said that in the process of family treatment of children with hepatitis B, we must strengthen confidence and believe in science. Parents should not seek medical treatment in a hurry, do not use drugs blindly, and do not follow the advice of non-professional doctors, but go to regular hospitals for consultation and treatment. Complete relevant examinations for children and conduct necessary assessments to determine whether the child is in the best antiviral period, and then choose an appropriate treatment plan, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort. In the course of treatment, children should be encouraged to adhere to regular medication and regular monitoring.

Ouyang Literature believes that children with chronic hepatitis B need active treatment; children with chronic hepatitis B can be completely cured; after curing, the drug can be completely stopped, and there is no need to take medicine for life. At present, there are two main types of antiviral drugs for the treatment of children with hepatitis B, one is interferon, and the other is nucleoside drugs. Interferon includes common interferon and long-acting interferon. There are various combinations of treatment methods. The specific choice depends on the evaluation results of the child before treatment, emphasizing individualized treatment plans. Some patients can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine.

In life, if the child has loss of appetite, poor digestive function, abdominal distension after eating, nausea, vomiting, no hunger, tiredness of oil, fatigue, easy fatigue after activities, etc.; Skin, sclera, yellow urine, etc.; abdominal distension, liver pain, liver enlargement, spider nevus and liver palm and other manifestations, should go to the hospital in time.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Xia Sheng correspondent Yao Jiaqi