7 types of people have low-density cholesterol below 1.8! 11 types of people to drop below 2.6! worth collecting

LDL cholesterol is the “worst” blood lipid!

After long-term elevation of low-density lipoprotein, more “vascular waste”, that is, blood vessel plaque, will be produced, which will lead to cardiovascular stenosis, ischemia, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. ; Plaque rupture can also form blood clots, causing myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction.

Therefore, the blood lipid that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are most concerned about is low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. So how much should our low-density cholesterol drop ideally?

Many people don’t know that there are 3 standards for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol: <3.4mmol/L, <2.6mmol/L, <1.8mmol/L. Different groups of people have different standards. Only when they fall to their corresponding safe area or ideal level can the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases be minimized. So who needs to drop below 2.6 and who needs to drop below 1.8?

First, these 7 types of people need to be reduced to below 1.8mmol/L:

1. Patients with definite ischemic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Such as confirmed coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, heart stents, heart bridges, severe carotid plaque, unstable carotid plaque, because of atherosclerosis Cerebral infarction caused by sclerosis, vascular stenosis caused by severe atherosclerosis in the lower extremities, etc., it is recommended to see the low-density lipoprotein below 1.8mmolL.

2. Patients with hypertension and diabetes

That is to say, if a person has high blood pressure, diabetes, and other diseases, the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol of such patients should also drop below 1.8mmol/L.

3. Diabetic patients + LDL exceeding 3.4mmol/L

A diabetic patient, before taking lipid-lowering drugs, has a low-density cholesterol test >3.4mmol/L, then this group of people meets one of the following five conditions at the same time , divided into 5 cases:

A. Diabetic patients + low-density lipoprotein exceeding 3.4mmol/L + male > 45 years old, female > 55 years old, then such patients need to take low-density lipoprotein Lipoprotein dropped below 1.8mmol/L.

B, diabetic patients + low density lipoprotein over 3.4mmol/L + smokers, Such patients need to reduce low density lipoprotein to 1.8mmol/L L or less.

C, diabetic patients + low density lipoprotein exceeding 3.4mmol/L + people with family history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, Such patients need to take low density lipoprotein The protein dropped below 1.8mmol/L.

D. Diabetic patients + low-density lipoprotein over 3.4mmol/L + obese people, Such patients need to reduce low-density lipoprotein to 1.8mmol/L L or less.

E. Diabetic patients + those with low-density lipoprotein exceeding 3.4mmol/L + high-density lipoprotein cholesterol <1mmol/L, Such patients need to take low-density lipoprotein Density lipoprotein dropped below 1.8mmol/L.

Second, these 11 types of people need to be reduced to below 2.6mmol/L:

1. Diabetic patients

Simple diabetes, no high blood pressure, and no other cardiovascular disease, so the low-density lipoprotein needs to be reduced to below 2.6mmol/L.

2, LDL cholesterol>4.9mmol/L patients

Before taking lipid-lowering drugs, the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is >4.9mmol/L. For such people, the low-density lipoprotein needs to be reduced to below 2.6mmol/L.

3, CKD stage III or IV

In patients with this type of kidney disease, low-density lipoprotein needs to be reduced to below 2.6mmol/L.

4. People with high blood pressure + LDL cholesterol>2.6mmol/L

That is, the first is a person with high blood pressure, and before taking lipid-lowering drugs, the low-density lipoprotein>2.6mmol/L in this part of patients, also meet 2 of the following 5 conditions conditions:

Men>45 years old, female>55 years old; smokers; people with family history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; obese people; high-density lipoprotein cholesterol <1mmol/L people.

There are more specific arrangements:

A. People with high blood pressure + low-density lipoprotein cholesterol> 2.6mmol/L + men > 45 years old, women > 55 years old + smokers; this type of People should reduce LDL cholesterol below 2.6mmol/L.

B. People with high blood pressure + LDL cholesterol> 2.6mmol/L + men > 45 years old, women > 55 years old + people with family history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; For such people, the LDL cholesterol should be lowered below 2.6mmol/L.

C, people with high blood pressure + low-density lipoprotein cholesterol> 2.6mmol/L + men > 45 years old, women > 55 years old + obese people; this type of People should reduce LDL cholesterol below 2.6mmol/L.

D. People with high blood pressure + LDL cholesterol > 2.6mmol/L + men > 45 years old, women > 55 years old + high density lipoprotein cholesterol < 1mmol/L People; This kind of people should reduce LDL cholesterol below 2.6mmol/L.

E. People with high blood pressure + LDL cholesterol> 2.6mmol/L + people who smoke + people with family history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; People should reduce LDL cholesterol below 2.6mmol/L.

F, people with high blood pressure + low-density lipoprotein cholesterol> 2.6mmol/L + people who smoke + people who are obese; Protein cholesterol dropped below 2.6mmol/L.

G, people with high blood pressure + low-density lipoprotein cholesterol> 2.6mmol/L + smokers + people with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol < 1mmol/L; Such people should reduce LDL cholesterol below 2.6mmol/L.

H, people with high blood pressure + low-density lipoprotein cholesterol> 2.6mmol/L + obese people + people with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol < 1mmol/L; Such people should reduce LDL cholesterol below 2.6mmol/L.

3. Who needs to drop below 3.4mmol/L?

In addition to the above 18 1 cases, that is, people without any high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, then it needs to be reduced to below 3.4mmol/L.

Fourth, how to lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol?

1. A healthy life is the foundation: eat a healthy diet, reduce fatty, fried, and refined grains, increase coarse grains, vegetables and fruits and other foods, insist on exercise, and quit smoking and drinking.

2. Because the relationship between LDL cholesterol and diet is relatively small, it is difficult for most people with elevated LDL cholesterol to reach the target even if they eat a healthy diet. In the end, you have to rely on drugs, and the drugs are statins as the first choice. If statin cannot lower density cholesterol to the ideal level or cannot tolerate statin, it can be combined or replaced with ezetimibe, or combined or replaced with PCSK9 inhibitor.

In short, people with high blood lipids or cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should pay more attention to low-density lipoprotein cholesterol! Everyone’s standards are different, please check them!