Never go near someone who has just finished smoking! Please do not!

If you have friends who smoke,

It is recommended not to have close contact with them after smoking;

If you’re the one smoking,

Not recommended to be near any friends after smoking.


Whether you are the owner of the cigarette smell or the victim, I believe you have a deep understanding of the above scenes.

Only for smokers, at most it is a little more sadness of rejection, but for family and friends, it is a double blow of mind and body.

Why does smoking make your mouth stink?

Smokers will probably be unhappy when they hear it. Tobacco is obviously very “scented”, how could it be possible that the mouth after inhaling it turns stink?

Tobacco smoke does contain various components with unique odors, such as acetaldehyde, benzene, and ammonia and other toxic substances, but they are only passers-by in the oral cavity. Dissipated, leaving only mouth-stinking nicotine.

When smoking, a person will inhale a large amount of high-temperature gas into the mouth, and the harmful substances represented by nicotine fully contact the oral cavity. At this time, the balance between the bacteria in the oral cavity is destroyed. The proportion of some anaerobic bacteria, especially those specializing in odor production, such as Porphyromonas gingivalis, Fusobacterium nucleatum, etc., has greatly increased [1], and the mouth will be “smelly” (it’s okay if you don’t know it, knowing that they will make your mouth smell bad). The mouth stinks just fine).

It can be said that every time you smoke a cigarette, the “bad forces” in your mouth will become stronger, and the breath problem will become more and more obvious!

Nicotine can do more to the mouth than that. First, they are good at hiding between the teeth, attaching to the surface of the teeth, and showing an annoying yellow color when exposed to oxygen [2], and the yellow color will get worse over time. (Look at the old smokers around, are they already full of yellow teeth and even have a tendency to turn black)

In addition, because nicotine disrupts the bacterial balance in the oral cavity, the proportion of periodontal pathogens in the oral cavity of smoking friends will also increase. Over time, the most direct impact is to make our gums bleed, periodontitis, and even the possibility of teeth loosening and falling out.

Bad breath from smoking

What should I do?

The most straightforward and easiest way to do this is to quit smoking (and e-cigarettes, too). The benefits of quitting smoking are not only to relieve bad breath, but more importantly, to avoid the occurrence of other diseases such as oral cancer and lung cancer to a great extent.

However, for old smokers, the problem of tone cannot be improved overnight, and it takes more effort than ordinary people.

Daily brushing, regular flossing, and flossing are essential daily cleanings. Additionally, mouthwash can be a simpler and more direct remedy for bad breath.

Mouthwashes often contain antibacterial ingredients that prevent the proliferation of odor-producing bacteria in the mouth, reduce the formation of plaque and calculus, and relieve bad breath. Some mouthwash products also add special chemicals to neutralize odor molecules and achieve the purpose of relieving bad breath.


However, after the old smokers started to quit smoking, the old stench in their mouths could not be instantlyPrepare a bottle of mouthwash that has a targeted effect on smokers at this time, and you will be more responsible for yourself and your friends around you.

Contains NeuAct formula

For smokers

This is a glowing mouthwash specially developed for smokers from the century-old brand Listerine.

Image source: provided by the brand

It has a NeuAct formula that can donot simply to cover up the smell of smoke with a stronger taste, but to interact with the volatilization of smoke molecules Sexual sulfide (VAS) chemically reacts to produce an odorless substance, thereby achieving the effect of neutralizing the smell of smoke, so that everyone can say goodbye to the annoying smell of smoke.

It is worth mentioning that volatile sulfides (VAS) are also the main components of common bad breath. For example, after eating certain foods or getting up in the morning, you will feel bad breath because of It, so even if your friends don’t have a bad habit of smoking, you can use the Glow Mouthwash on a daily basis to help freshen your breath.

Furthermore, Glorious Mouthwash is formulated with zinc chloride to help reduce calculus and make teeth whiter naturally.

Image source: provided by the brand

Exclusive 4 essential oil formulas

Assist in complete oral hygiene

Listerine Huanlang Mouthwash has 4 essential essential oils: eucalyptol, methyl salicylate, thymol and menthol. The synergistic action of the 4 components can reduce the excessive accumulation of plaque, Helps reduce oral problems in smokers. In an in vitro experiment, bacterial samples of dental plaque, saliva and tongue coating from smokers treated with Listerine Huanlang Mouthwash were found to help reduce these oral problem-causing bacteria.

Image source: provided by the brand

The alcohol-free formula, mild and non-spicy, makes this mouthwash more acceptable and easy to use. If you think the mouthwash is too big to carry with you, there are also powerful mouth sprays to choose from~

Image source: provided by the brand

Partnering experts for this article

He Jianliang

General Dental Physician

This article reviewer

Zhou Wei

The Ninth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine

Dental and Endodontics Residency


[1]Jiang Y, Zhou X, Cheng L, et al. The impact of smoking on subgingival microflora: From periodontal health to disease[J]. Frontiers in microbiology, 2020: 66.

[2]Zanetti F, Zhao X, Pan J, et al. Effects of cigarette smoke and tobacco heating aerosol on color stability of dental enamel, dentin, and composite resin restorations[J]. Quintessence Int, 2019, 50(2): 156-166.


Planning: Laoyu | Producer: logger

Illustrator: Banni | Cover image credit: Banni