After the age of 45, what are the benefits of eating red dates? What are the precautions?

On the evening of March 15, the National Health and Medical Commission released the “New Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Trial Version 9)”. It is reported that the new version of the diagnosis and treatment plan is formed on the basis of careful research on the transmission characteristics and case characteristics of mutant strains such as Delta and Omicron, and in-depth analysis of relevant research results.

It is clear in the plan that the light cases are subject to centralized isolation management, and the relevant centralized isolation places cannot isolate the inbound personnel, close contacts and other groups at the same time; the PF-07321332/ritonavir tablets approved by the State Food and Drug Administration Two specific anti-new coronavirus drugs (Paxlovid) and domestic monoclonal antibody (Ambavirumab/Romisvirumab injection) have been written into the diagnosis and treatment plan; in addition, the application of traditional Chinese medicine non-drug therapy has been strengthened, and acupuncture treatment has been added. content.

What else has changed? One picture to understand↓↓↓