What are dry mouth and dry eyes? Nuclear medicine examination helps to find the cause

China is becoming more and more developed, and our lives are getting better and better. There is no longer a pot of broth with only a layer of oil in it, and there is no longer a dish with only a few slices of meat in a vegetable stir-fry. Now as long as you are willing, abalone and Aolong are all right. After get off work, you can have a drink with your friends and eat some small dishes. You can take out barbecue hot pot. But is it really good? Now the image of men bald and big belly is more and more popular, especially middle-aged men, seems to have become their representative image. If you really have a wife and children, and you don’t think it’s necessary to manage your body, you just have to wait a few more years to work for your retirement. Is this kind of thinking correct?

Actually it’s not right. According to the survey, if both men and women are obese, they will all have the possibility of getting sick, but women are still healthy when they are around 50 years old, so why is their body basically stable? . However, men are not the same, the more obese men are, the higher the probability of the disease. Why do men get fat easily when they reach middle age?

Middle-aged men are prone to gain weight, both internal and external

The first is metabolism Decreased function Men are no longer young and energetic when they reach middle age. Because of the reduction of growth hormone and metabolic function, various functions of the body will decline. Metabolism is weakened. If you don’t restrain yourself a little every day, high calorie intake will be converted into fat, and then the body will naturally allow fat to accumulate in the abdomen and thighs. When men reach middle age, they will suffer from diseases of all sizes. For example, the insulin used by diabetes will make the already slow metabolism slower, and then they will become more obese.

In addition to bad eating habits, because of the fast pace of life, men sometimes pay attention to what they eat in order to make more money chew slowly, and the stomach is affected by this. It increases a lot of burden, and men generally smoke and drink. The more cigarettes smoke, the more nicotine in them will harden the blood vessels and blood flow will slow down. Moreover, the alcohol in wine will also be metabolized very slowly by the body. The reduction of the metabolic rate will make men more and more obese, especially the belly.

Also, there is a lack of exercise, for men to earn money to support their families, socializing is inevitable. In order to pursue the taste, the meals of the restaurants outside will randomly add seasonings, high salt, high sugar and more oil. Long-term intake of such greasy food will accumulate a lot of high calories in the body. In addition to long-term inactivity, the slow-moving stomach can’t digest it in time and convert it into energy to send to various parts of the body, which will make the body fatter.

In addition to the above three reasons, the reasons for men’s obesity are abnormal immune system and excessive life pressure, all of which will cause men to continue to gain weight . If you indulge yourself to gain weight, there may be some dangers.

What might happen if you don’t control your weight and allow yourself to gain weight?

[Susceptibility to “Three Highs”]: “Three highs” are high blood lipids, high blood sugar and high cholesterol. Studies have shown that men with thick waistlines are more likely to develop high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and the incidence is double that of men with normal waistlines.

[Coronary Heart Disease]: Men with thick waists are more likely to have angina pectoris, and those with overweight waists should be alerted to the risk of coronary heart disease in recent years. Possibly.

[Susceptibility to Fatty Liver]: Obesity in men may also be related to liver metabolism, If obese, the liver is more likely to suffer from fatty liver , Obese people do not exercise restraint to consume too much high-fat food, which will make triglyceride difficult to be excreted in the liver, and then lead to the formation of fatty liver.

【susceptible to joint disease】Obesity can cause inflammation of our joints, mainly because the body’s obesity then exacerbates the bone and joint burden, The most vulnerable is the knee.

In addition, there is the possibility of diabetes. According to clinical observation, most of the diabetic patients are relatively obese people. Obesity brings a lot of harm to men, so it is necessary to use healthy methods to control weight and prevent or alleviate diseases caused by obesity. There are several ways to try.

Don’t want to gain weight? The method is very simple, it depends on whether it can be implemented.

The diet should pay attention to healthy eating, such as cake burgers and cola and other foods, and control the intake of carbohydrates . Eat more fiber-rich foods or whole grains, vegetables and fruits, protein-rich fish, chicken and soy products are all good, not hard to absorb. You should also eat three meals on time. Don’t skip it at night in order to lose weight. You can eat less, otherwise you will eat another meal the next day and enter an infinite loop. This is inseparable from the need for more exercise, that means , after get off work, don’t think about playing with your phone in addition to sleeping, if you don’t want to get more greasy, you need to Start exercising. People with little exposure to sports can engage in light-intensity activities such as jogging, brisk walking, or cycling. It is a pity that people with better physique choose climbing, jogging and other sports. Try to exercise for half an hour every day, and remember to rub your muscles after exercising to prevent muscle damage.

Keep enough sleep, The risk of obesity is not so high, staying up late will cause endocrine disorders and then lead to obesity, ensure enough sleep, and then let us renew more energetic day. Drink more water, Drink less beverages, boiled water is the best choice, beverages contain a lot of sugar, which is one of the main reasons for obesity. But boiled water is different. Compared with beverages, it will not increase the digestive burden on the kidneys, and it can also help us accelerate the body’s metabolism and replenish water.

In fact, it is not difficult to lose weight or prevent obesity. We can avoid the factors that make ourselves fat in our life, and then adopt a normal lifestyle. Obesity not only affects our appearance, but also leads to the occurrence of various diseases. It’s still too late to spot it early and start positive change.


1. “Why are many men easy to gain weight after 40? It may be related to these 4 points” – Guangming.com 2019-04-03

2. “15 Recommendations for Obesity Prevention and Control in China” released that men in this age group should control their weight the most” – China Digital Science and Technology Museum 2022-02-07