Keep a good mood and do “Shun Qi exercises”

Group 1: Straight to the point

The second group: bow and eagle (1)

The second group: Bow and Sculpture (2)

page Three groups: hug shoulders and bend over

If you want everything to go well, you must first make yourself happy, because a good mood can escort your health.

From the perspective of physiological structure, the key to making people “happy” lies in the thorax, and problems of the heart, lungs and liver will be manifested in the thorax. We can stimulate the meridian and acupoints around the chest through massage and stretching, adjust the qi and regulate the emotions. At the same time, the thorax is also the “intersection” of 9 meridians. When the intersection is blocked, the connected roads are completely blocked. Therefore, once the qi in the chest is suppressed, the qi of the heart, lung and liver will stagnate, causing various symptoms. . For example, some people can’t help but beat their chest when they are extremely angry. In fact, this is an instinctive reaction. The reason for hitting the chest is because the qi is stagnant in the chest. Modern medical research has also confirmed that stimulating the meridian points around the thorax can adjust the mood by regulating nerve function, relaxing smooth muscle, dilating coronary blood vessels and regulating the function of the digestive system.

Today, I would like to introduce a set of relaxing “shunqi exercises”, which mainly consists of 3 groups of movements.

The first group: straight to the point. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, arms stretched forward and shoulder-width apart, hands naturally stretched out, and palms facing each other. Inhale, turn the palms of both hands back and slowly expand the chest. After reaching the limit, hold your breath for 1 second, exhale, and do a small circular motion of the shoulder joint from front to back. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

The second group: Bend the bow and shoot the eagle. Take a half step with your left foot, straighten your left arm, and put your fingers together. Turn the body to the left, place the middle finger of the right hand on the hypothenar of the left hand (the palm surface between the little finger and the wrist), inhale, slowly squat with the right leg, and turn the body to the right at the same time, the right hand is attached to the inner side of the upper limb in the direction of the heart meridian of the hand Shaoyin slowly Pull back to the front chest, exhale, slowly straighten the right leg, turn the body to the left, and push the hypothenar forward slowly with the right hand against the inner hand of the upper limb. Alternate left and right, repeat 5 times.

The third group: Hold the shoulders, bend over, and hold the right shoulder with the left hand, and hold the left shoulder with the right hand; exhale, hold the shoulders with both hands and press down, and bend the back to the limit, so that the back muscles have a feeling of opening, keep 3 seconds; inhale, return to origin. Do this 5 times.

It should be noted that these three movements must be coordinated with breathing. “Shunqi exercise” can effectively stretch the meridians around the chest, back, armpits and other parts, promote the circulation of qi and blood, and help to feel comfortable. It is very suitable for practice when you get up in the morning.

(Author: Physician of Tuina Physiotherapy, Dongfang Hospital, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Source: Beijing Daily Author: Liu Yang

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