The man was in deep pain of repeated pipe replacement in the “sewers”, and the doctor skillfully used advanced technology to relieve his worries

Because of a variety of congenital diseases and the long-term enduring of low back pain caused by repeated replacement of ordinary ureteral stents, the quality of life of 51-year-old Xie Hua (pseudonym) has been seriously affected.

After the new stent was placed by the Department of Urology of Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital, on March 16, Xie Hua solved the pain of frequent replacement of ureteral stents and was discharged from the hospital.

Xie Hua, who lives in Yuanjiang, suffers from severe congenital thoracic, spinal deformity and solitary kidney and other diseases, and is only 1 meter tall .

【Patient with severe coronal congenital thoracic and spinal deformity under CT】

4 years ago, Xie Hua went to the local hospital for “ureteral stenosis” A ureteral stent tube (DJ tube) was implanted to expand and support the ureteral stenosis to ensure the patency of the “sewers”.

But the conventional DJ tube can only be indwelled in the body for 1-3 months, which means that Xie Hua needs to travel to and from the hospital for a long time to take and release the tube, which greatly increases the patient’s physical and mental health. Pain and financial burden.

For further treatment, Xie Hua was admitted to The Third Ward of Urology Department of Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital last Thursday.

This special case immediately attracted the attention of Professor Duan Yixing, Director of the Third Urological Ward.

[Allium covered ureteral stent implanted under the C arm]

In order to relieve the patient’s physical and mental pain as soon as possible and maximize the guarantee For the safety of the patient, Director Duan Yixing immediately contacted the anesthesiologist for consultation and organized intra-department discussions, and finally decided to implement the current domestic advanced minimally invasive Allium covered ureteral stent implantation for the patient.

On March 13, the medical team, including Deputy Chief Physicians Guo Xi and Wang Yong, took advantage of the weekend break to successfully complete the right ureteral stricture for the patient. Membrane stent implantation, the operation time is only 1 hour.

[Implanted covered ureteral stent]

After the careful care of the nursing team, the patient had no postoperative symptoms. Any adverse reactions, the right ureteral excretion was smooth, and there was no obvious discomfort such as low back pain.

Xie Hua said happily: “I finally don’t have to suffer from the pain caused by repeated replacement of ureteral stents”.

At present, the patient is recovering well and has been discharged from the hospital.

[A group photo of the patient and some medical staff at discharge]

Deputy Chief Physician Guo Xi introduced that people like Xie Hua are intractable There are many patients with ureteral stenosis. Patients need to replace ureteral stents repeatedly, and frequent access may also increase complications such as urinary tract infection and pain, which has a great impact on the quality of life of patients.

Deputy Chief Physician Guo Xi said that in recent years, with the development of medical technology and the updating of equipment, Allium covered ureteral stent implantation has been successfully used to treat various refractory ureteral stricture diseases.

Compared with the traditional DJ tube, the Allium covered ureteral stenthas better support and drainage effect, can effectively reduce postoperative complications, allow patients to obtain better comfort and longer The advantages of long indwelling time (1-4 years) have greatly improved the quality of life of patients.

At present, the Department of Urology of Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital has successfully performed this operation for many patients, bringing good news to patients with refractory ureteral strictures.

(Edited by Rainbow.)

Special author of Hunan Medical Chat: Jia Yehong, Wang Saihui, Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital