There is speed and temperature Boli County speeds up vaccinations for people over 60

Medical staff vaccinate the elderly at the Xiaowuzhan Town Guard

Health Home.

Current epidemic prevention and control

The situation is still severe, in order to speed up the construction of the new coronavirus population immunity screen

Barriers, various departments at all levels in Boli County have taken multiple measures to open up services for the elderly >

New crown vaccination work for people over 60 years old.

On March 14th, reporters successively visited Xiaowuzhan Town Health Center, Maternity and Children’s Health Center, Maternal and Child Health Center, Boli Theater and other new crown vaccination sites. Seeing that there is an endless stream of elderly people going to be vaccinated

, the vaccination site is in an orderly manner. The medical staff conducts a detailed assessment of the body of the elderly

to eliminate the inner concerns of the elderly. Sequential vaccination. The on-site staff are divided into posts to provide the whole process of care

and provide blood pressure testing for the elderly. The meticulous service keeps the elderly safe

< span>Heart is warm.

“I am 72 years old this year. I feel good after the first two shots of the vaccine, and there is no adverse reaction.

Reaction. I will take the third shot today to protect For the safety of yourself and the people around you, elderly friends

should be actively vaccinated.” said Yang Xuewen, a villager in Xiaowuzhan Town.

Urban resident Lv Guiying is 74 years old this year. After receiving the third dose of the vaccine, she told reporters that she did not have any adverse reactions. “There is also a general practitioner on duty in the observation room. We will pay close attention

to our physical condition after vaccination, and thank the government for caring and caring for the elderly


It is understood that in order to eliminate the elderly’s concerns about vaccination, all townships and streets in Boli County

implement their territorial responsibilities , actively carry out household registration information and answer questions, and use villagers and residents WeChat groups to further strengthen vaccination publicity. In response to practical problems such as inconvenience of mobility for some elderly people, community staff will contact the vaccination site in advance

in order to meet the needs of the elderly. The elderly provide shuttle service. At the same time,

in order to facilitate the smooth vaccination of the elderly, a total of 13 new crown vaccines have been set up in the county

. Two cold chain transport vehicles of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ensure the distribution of new

COVID-19 vaccines, and more than 200 staff stick to their posts every week

It is not closed at the end of the day, and is on duty at noon, and has a speed and temperature to fully promote the new crown vaccination work for the elderly over 60 years old.

As of the 14th, 39,399 people over the age of 60 in Boli County have completed the first dose of vaccination

39,399 people have completed the second dose


38,105 people, 29,492 people with booster vaccination,

New crown vaccination work for people over 60 years old is in progress< /p>

Progress in an orderly manner.

(Chen Yanan reporter Huang Xiaohui)

[Source: Qitaihe Daily]

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