Why does the body grow stones? These eating habits need to be changed

This thing is a stone

Many people have it

Some stones can cause obvious discomfort

Some stones can only be found on the medical report. Will brush the sense of presence

Why does the body develop stones?

What dietary habits

Are you raising stones?

Why does the body produce stones?


As the name suggests, it is a stone

Currently the most common stone diseases are divided into

Gallstones and kidney stones


As far as current medicine is concerned, the specific cause of gallstone formation has not been fully understood. But it may be related to some bad living habits and its own metabolism and other factors.

Simply put, gallstones are formed due to the accumulation of bile in the gallbladder due to various factors that cannot be excreted, resulting in the precipitation of minerals in it, coupled with metabolic disorders and various reasons.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones occur because the kidneys recycle some of the beneficial substances in the metabolic process, metabolize the wastes and harmful substances and concentrate them, thereby producing urine , and these harmful substances will also be stored in the bladder first, and finally excreted with the urine produced.

But if the urine is too little and too concentrated, it can cause some of these less soluble substances to precipitate in the renal pelvis and bladder, resulting in crystals.

As these crystals grow over time, they become kidney stones. There are actually many factors that cause kidney stones, such as gender, genetics, and endocrine fluctuations.

These eating habits are all raising stones!

Although there are many factors that cause gallstones

But I have to say that diet plays a very important role in them

Gallstones and Two kinds of kidney stones


sweet drinks, sweets

sweet Beverages, especially cola, increase biochemical markers associated with calcium oxalate-type kidney stones. As far as electron microscopy is concerned, calcium oxalate crystals are more likely to appear in urine samples after drinking cola.

Remember: Avoid sweetened beverages, which can increase your risk of kidney stones.


Extra large amount of protein intake

Extra protein means that some people take a lot of protein powder, collagen powder, etc. of nutritional supplements. If you can’t control the amount well, and take a large amount of food after meals, it is easy to cause excess protein, which can cause kidney stones.

Remember: If you take a lot of protein powder and egg whites after exercising, pay attention to increasing your intake of vegetables and fruits at the same time, and be sure to drink plenty of water.


Rapid weight loss

To lose weight quickly, many people will definitely limit the amount of carbohydrates in their diet, while increasing their protein intake . It doesn’t sound like there’s anything wrong with losing weight, as long as you maintain a certain rate of weight loss, your body can generally adapt.

The mistake is to be fast, which can lead to extreme diets that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

Remember: don’t eat the main food, but only eat a lot of fish and eggs. The result of eating this way is to lose weight quickly, but at the same time, the incidence of kidney stones and even gallstones will increase.


Inadequate potassium and magnesium intake

Leafy green vegetables And beans are foods rich in potassium and magnesium. Epidemiological surveys have shown that the DASH dietary pattern of eating a lot of vegetables has the effect of reducing the risk of kidney stones. If the body can provide enough potassium and magnesium, the utilization rate of calcium in the diet can be improved to a certain extent, so that the urinary calcium level is reduced. Excretion is reduced and the risk of kidney stones is reduced.

Remember: Pumpkin, broccoli, celery leaves, carrots, purple onions are all dark vegetables, which are rich in potassium and magnesium.


Eat too salty

Excessive intake of salt, that is, sodium ions, will increase the excretion of calcium in the urine. Therefore, more calcium reaches the kidneys. Some people supplement calcium because they have stones. In fact, it is not that they eat more calcium, but they excrete more calcium, which increases the risk of kidney stones.

Remember: The daily salt intake per person is controlled within 6 grams, and less ham, sausage, salted eggs, sauces, fermented bean curd, sand tea sauce, etc.


Eating too much oil

Fat reduces the amount of calcium available for binding in the gut, which can lead to increased absorption of oxalate and the formation of stones. If you eat greasy, remember to drink plenty of water, especially in summer when you sweat a lot.

Remember: eat less fatty meat, and control the daily edible oil per adult within 25 grams.


I like seafood with beer

There is a kind of stone called uric acid stone, which is the product of purine metabolism disorder in the body. For example, seafood with beer is a high-purine way to eat.

Remember: seafood, animal offal, thick broth, etc., all contain more purines. Patients with gout and uric acid stones should eat less high-purine foods.

Lose weight and reduce fat and control three highs

Eat this kind of coarse grains often

Let the body move and help prevent stones

I want to stay away Stones, diet conditioning is important, but exercise can not be ignored. Do the following 3 exercises, which are both daily and simple, and the important thing is that they are good for your body and help prevent stones.


20 minutes of jogging every day

Running is an aerobic exercise that can exercise your body and improve your resistance. Adhere to at least 20 minutes of exercise every day and pay attention to adding water to help prevent gallstones.

Before jogging, take 3~5 minutes to warm up. It is not advisable to run immediately after a meal, and it should be started 2~3 hours after a meal.beginning.


Walking after meals

Walking can promote gastrointestinal motility, help digestion, reduce irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, and reduce the risk of developing stones.

In addition, walking can also make people feel physically and mentally happy, take a walk every day for 30 minutes after a meal.


Sit-ups, exercise the abdomen

Sit-ups are a common exercise in fitness, which can exercise abdominal muscle strength and have a certain effect on fat loss . However, some people can easily do this wrong.


① Lie flat on the mat, with your legs at 90 degrees, it is best not to fix the legs, otherwise it is easy to use the legs to exert force;

< p> ②Put your hands behind your head, use your abdomen to exert force to sit up, exhale when you sit up, and inhale when you lie down; ③Note that when you sit up, your body and the mat are at a 45-degree angle, i.e. Can.

Finally, stone patients remember to eat on time and drink plenty of water; keep exercising and maintain their weight; and also go to the hospital for regular check-ups to observe the degree of changes in the stones!

Source: Appointment with a famous doctor