Chunkun may be eating wrong! Three tips to help you get rid of spring fatigue

As the saying goes, “Spring is sleepy, autumn is lacking, summer is dozing, winter is March when you can’t wake up.” Many people seem to be unable to sleep all year round, but spring seems to be the most “sleepy” season among the four seasons. After entering the spring, spring sleepiness is like an “infectious disease”. People are often breathless, listless, dizzy, and weak in their hands and feet…

Why do people have spring sleepiness?

After a winter dormancy, the contracted skin and blood vessels will gradually stretch in the warm spring season, the blood supply of the body surface will increase, and the blood and oxygen supply to the brain will correspondingly decrease, making the cerebral cortex excitable. There will be a certain influence, and there will be “spring sleepiness”.

So spring sleepiness is a physiological phenomenon that the body’s physiological function adjusts itself with the change of seasons and temperature. If it is not accompanied by other discomfort symptoms, we don’t need to worry too much. So how to reduce the occurrence of spring sleepiness in daily life?

First of all, Xiao Er wants to remind everyone that some wrong eating habits will make you more and more sleepy and should be avoided.

These eating habits make you sleepy


Eating too little staple food

Carbohydrates are our brain, The main energy supply material for nerves, if you eat too little staple food, the brain and nerves will lack sufficient energy, which will make people easily fatigued and weak. Therefore, you must eat the staple food every day, about one fist per meal.


Don’t eat red meat

Red meat, that is, pork, beef, sheep and other livestock, is rich in iron. If you don’t eat red meat for a long time, it is easy to When iron-deficiency anemia occurs, people will feel fatigued and lack energy. The “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016)” recommends that the daily intake of livestock and poultry meat is 40-75 grams.


I love sweets

When the blood sugar level rises, the secretion of insulin will increase, and high insulin level is one of the causes of drowsiness . You can reduce the intake of sweets as needed.


Eat too greasy

A lot of fat entering the small intestine will increase the secretion of cholecystokinin in the small intestine, and cholecystokinin can promote drowsiness.

In addition, people who frequently overeat, especially those who eat too much sugar and fatty foods, are also more likely to fall asleep due to a lack of B vitamins in the body.

Small tips for relieving spring sleepiness

Many people use the method of prolonging sleep time to solve spring sleepiness, but Chinese medicine believes that “prolonged sleeping hurts qi”, and sleeping too much will lead to poor circulation of qi and blood. For the phenomenon of smooth and uncomfortable meridians, you can take a proper afternoon nap in daily life to restore the spirit. In addition, massage and tea can be used to relieve spring fatigue.


Refreshing Tea

Recipe: 3 grams of American ginseng, 3 grams of Daidaihua, 2 grams of chrysanthemum, 1~2 grams of licorice.

Method: Pour the above ingredients into boiling water, cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes before drinking.

American ginseng can eliminate fatigue, invigorate qi and nourish yin; Daidaihua can soothe the liver and spleen, and regulate qi in the stomach; chrysanthemum has the effect of refreshing and clearing heat; The combination of the four can effectively improve spring sleepiness.


Pressing Fengchi Point

Traditional Chinese medicine says “the head and head of Fengchi”, pressing and rubbing Fengchi Point can refresh the mind, expel wind and detoxify , Pinggan Xifeng and other effects. Long-term massage can also help improve headaches, dizziness, and neck pain.

【Press and kneading method】Fengchi point is located in the depressions on both sides below the occipital bone. Press and rub Fengchi acupoint with your thumb for 1 minute, the intensity is suitable for obvious soreness and swelling, and it can be repeated 5 times.


Press Baihui Point

Baihui Point is located in the middle of the top of the head, where the meridians of the human body are gathered. . Pressing and rubbing Baihui acupoint can refresh the mind, invigorate the mind, help regulate brain function, and help relieve dizziness, headache, tinnitus, nasal congestion, etc.

[Press and knead method] Press the middle finger on the Baihui acupoint, slowly apply force, and the intensity should be soreness It is advisable to continue for 30 seconds and repeat 5 times.


Warm tips

If you have enough sleep and a balanced diet in your daily life, but you still feel sleepy or even accompanied by other symptoms, you should be careful Whether it is a physical problem, go to the hospital for examination in time~

Source: CCTV home for dinner