College entrance examination physical examination under epidemic prevention and control: strict prevention and control requirements, multiple measures to facilitate students

Chuanguan News Peng Yingsong

“We kicked off this year’s college entrance examination on March 10. There will be more than 6,000 college entrance examinations this year. There are about 1,000 more students coming to the hospital for physical examination than last year, and they come to the hospital in batches for physical examination according to the time period.” Tang Dongmei, director of the Health Checkup Center of the People’s Hospital of Pidu District, Chengdu, said that in order to ensure the smooth development of the 2022 college entrance examination, the hospital has taken multiple measures to ensure the “healthy college entrance examination” for all students in the district with strict standards.

The hospital selects more than 100 experienced, responsible and skilled medical backbones from various departments to form the college entrance examination physical examination team, specializing in internal medicine, surgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, stomatology, blood pressure for candidates etc. inspection. At the same time, during the physical examination process, the hospital party members and volunteers do a full range of work such as guiding, diverting, maintaining order, and specialist inspections of candidates on the physical examination site to ensure that the physical examination work is efficient, orderly, safe, and successfully completed.

From March 10th to 12th, the hospital organized the blood collection team for the college entrance examination to go to various schools by optimizing the blood test process. The school completes the blood drawing items in the physical examination to facilitate the candidates, improve the efficiency of the physical examination, and save the students’ valuable review time to the greatest extent. All physical examinations are carried out in spacious and ventilated conditions to ensure safe and orderly blood collection.

It is understood that the examination for the college entrance examination is expected to take 7 days. During this period, the hospital health management center has suspended other physical examination services except the college entrance examination physical examination. The physical examination area is set up separately, and a dedicated channel for college entrance examination candidates is set up, separate from the patient consultation area. The whole process of physical examination implements “closed-loop management” to avoid cross-infection. In order to ensure quality and epidemic prevention and control, the hospital controls the number of physical examinations to 800-900 person-times every day on the basis of pre-distribution through schools. The hospital has a special person to guide candidates to measure their body temperature before entering the physical examination site, and conduct body temperature detection one by one. Only those with normal body temperature can enter the examination; masks are worn throughout the physical examination process, and candidates are required to wash their hands and disinfect after each project is completed. In addition, different physical examination items are completed in different clinics, and the frequency of disinfection of the physical examination area is increased to ensure that candidates have a clean and tidy physical examination environment.