Xi’an: All medical institutions must not refuse to accept patients, and must not delay treatment due to nucleic acid test results

Xi’an City New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Press Conference. Photo courtesy of Xi’an Municipal Government

Chinanews.com, Xi’an, March 15 (Reporter Dang Tianye) “We have issued a work plan, making it clear that medical institutions shall not refuse to accept patients, nor delay due to nucleic acid test results. Treatment.” Ding Li, deputy director of the Xi’an Municipal Health Commission, said on the 15th.

On the same day, the Information Office of Xi’an Municipal People’s Government held the 68th press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic to report the relevant situation of the city’s epidemic prevention and control work.

According to reports, during the current round of the epidemic, the Xi’an Municipal Health Commission has paid close attention to key nodes such as medical institutions and pre-hospital first aid, refined work measures, and made every effort to ensure the public’s medical care. Every day on the official website of Xi’an Municipal Health Commission, the opening of medical institutions in the city is announced to facilitate the public to inquire. The city’s second-level and above hospitals set up different areas in the hospital, which are used to receive patients in centralized isolation points, closed control areas, control areas and ordinary patients.

“We advocate that ordinary patients seek medical treatment online through Internet hospitals, online diagnosis and treatment, etc., and visit doctors at off-peak times through telephone and online appointments to reduce gatherings and reduce the risk of cross-infection.” Ding Li said that all districts Counties and development zones can, in light of their own epidemic prevention and control situation, formulate medical protection plans for the people in their jurisdictions, and contact hospitals for centralized isolation and closure and control, and people in the control areas.

Ding Li believes that in implementing the safeguard measures in districts and counties, the streets and communities need to focus on special patients such as acute and critical illness, tumors, hemodialysis, and pregnant women, find out the bottom line, and ensure medical treatment. Further play the role of local health departments, actively carry out publicity of medical treatment policies, coordinate “point-to-point” transportation in streets and communities for centralized isolation and closure and control, and timely medical treatment for patients in the control and control areas, so as to effectively meet the needs of the public for medical treatment.

It is reported that from 0 to 24:00 on March 14, 2022, Xi’an reported 6 local confirmed cases. From 0:00 on March 5 to 24:00 on March 14, the city has reported a total of 77 local confirmed cases, including 51 mild cases and 26 ordinary cases, all of which have been transferred to designated hospitals for isolation and treatment in time. (End)

Source: China News Network