How to prevent epidemics in clinics and pharmacies? Chengdu Municipal Health and Health Commission: To play the role of “sentinel”, citizens should also actively cooperate

Clinics and pharmacies, large and small, go deep into the streets and alleys of the city. During the epidemic, they were the stores that took root in the streets and communities to provide health services, and they were also “sentinels” to prevent the new crown virus.

“When symptoms such as fever and cough occur, our citizens sometimes prefer to visit clinics and pharmacies first, so it is easy to find cases there.” March 14, Chengdu Dou Fengman, deputy director of the Health and Health Information Center of the National Health Commission, appealed through Red Star News that clinics and pharmacies should play an active role as “sentinels”, and citizens should also actively cooperate with clinics.

↑If the customer purchases antipyretic, antitussive, antiviral and Antibiotics and other four categories of drugs, should be registered with real name


Purchase four Real-name registration is required for such medicines

Abnormal body temperature, etc. should be reported to the community immediately

“Hello uncle, please wear a mask…you scan If you don’t have the code, you have to register before you can come in.” Lin Jie, the manager of the pharmacy of Pharmacy Health Home on Jiayuan Road, Qingyang District, greeted customers. An elderly man found it troublesome. He didn’t have a smartphone to scan the code and was unwilling to register his personal information. Lin Jie tried to persuade him to no avail, but had no choice but to refuse him to enter the store.

“Most people are still very cooperative, only a small number are more stubborn…” Lin Jie sighed, and after telling the Red Star News reporter, turned around and continued to greet customers. Lin Jie’s store is an “old store” on this street. Many residents are familiar with each other, and they are also very cooperative with the pharmacy’s regulations. Under the guidance of Lin Jie, a woman opened the Tianfu Health Link applet, scanned the code, and measured the temperature. If a customer buys a drug in the “Real-Name Registration Drug Catalog”, she will further register the customer’s real-name information and ask about the travel history.

According to the “Sichuan Provincial Emergency Response Headquarters Response to Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Announcement (No. 17)”, retail pharmacies (including online sales) sell antipyretic, antitussive, antipyretic 4 types of drugs such as viruses and antibiotics should be registered with real names.

“If the customer has abnormal symptoms such as body temperature exceeding 37.3°C, we will report it to the community and fever clinic according to regulations. If we find that the health code is not a green code, we will also Report it.” Lin Jie pointed to the door, where the phone numbers of the local community and fever clinic were posted.

The reporter then visited many pharmacies and clinics in Jinjiang District and Chenghua District, and saw similar epidemic prevention measures. At the Xiao Children’s Chinese Medical Center in Jinjiang District, Mr. Yao, a staff member, told reporters that if no person with typical symptoms such as fever and dry cough is found during the admission process, but the doctor judges that they are suspected, they will also report to the local community and report to the local community according to regulations. Fever clinic referral.

↑requirements for epidemic prevention and control in retail pharmacies


If you have fever symptoms, it is important to take the initiative to seek medical attention

The public should actively cooperate Epidemic prevention measures in clinics and pharmacies

On March 14, when Dou Fengman recalled the local epidemic in Chengdu last July, he reaffirmed the behavior of the family of three who were diagnosed at that time.

“We handled the epidemic situation very well in July last year. It was a family of three who made great contributions. For citizens, knowing that they have fever symptoms and taking the initiative to seek medical treatment is a very important factor. ” He appealed, on the one hand, hoped that the citizens would actively cooperate, and on the other hand, hope that the clinics and pharmacies that went deep into the grass-roots level could actively play the role of “sentinels”.

What is the role of “sentinel”, he explained, “When symptoms such as fever and cough occur, our citizens sometimes prefer to go to clinics and pharmacies to check first, so they are easy to find. The location of the case. At present, the clinic cannot ‘receive’ patients with fever and other related symptoms, but it does not mean that it cannot ‘receive’ or push it away, but to contact the community, and then follow the transfer process to the fever clinic.”

In addition, the medical staff and staff of the clinic should also do a good job of health testing themselves, such as regular nucleic acid testing, guiding patients to measure temperature, scanning health codes, etc., which are also basic requirements.

The reporter also learned from Chenghua District Baohe Sub-district Office and Jinjiang District Shuyuan Sub-district Office that streets and communities will randomly conduct nucleic acid tests on pharmacy employees. The relevant staff of the Shuyuan Sub-district Office told reporters that a random inspection would be conducted every Friday before, and there will be new arrangements in the future.

Dou Fengman also appealed to citizens, in addition to basic epidemic prevention measures such as wearing masks and washing hands frequently, citizens should also understand more about the epidemic prevention measures of clinics and pharmacies, and actively cooperate. “There are indeed a small number of citizens who are unwilling to register their personal information without using a smartphone. Why do you need to register? Because if the citizen has a fever or infection, the registered information can become a clue for epidemic prevention, so that our Epidemic prevention is easier to do.

↑Citizens actively cooperate with epidemic prevention work

Red Star News reporter Wang Tuo

Editor Yu Mange