When the liver is damaged, these 4 parts of the body may turn black, so you need to observe carefully, and check in time after discovery.

The liver is an important tissue organ in the human body, can play an antioxidant role, participate in the synthesis of sex hormones and store glycogen, etc..

However, compared with other organs, this part is relatively fragile and easily damaged, such as improper diet, viral infection, etc., so that liver disease occurs.

Once the patient’s liver has problems, the body will be affected to a certain extent, especially the following four parts will gradually darken.

If the following situations occur, it means that the liver has been damaged and needs to be nourished as soon as possible.

One, dark complexion

The liver plays an important role in the metabolism of iron. If the liver cells are damaged, the iron stored in the liver cells will flow into the blood vessels, and the iron in the blood will also flow into the blood vessels. Then it increases, causing the problem of darkening of the face.

It is understood that the change of facial color is closely related to the change of skin pigment in the body.

If the liver is damaged, the skin’s melanin metabolism will be abnormal, and bilirubin metabolism will also be affected, resulting in darker skin color.

Men and post-menopausal women are more prone to this condition than others. condition.

Over time, some patients’ skin becomes drier and not only rough, but also loses its luster.

Therefore, once there is a problem of dark complexion, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination in time to avoid unnecessary damage to the liver.

Second, dark circles

liver It has a certain detoxification effect and can effectively digest and absorb toxins in the daily diet, making the body healthier;

But if there is a problem with the liver, then some toxins cannot be excreted in time, Then it accumulates in the body, which leads to the destruction of the metabolic capacity of the liver, and finally forms a vicious circle.

Because of this, the skin around the eyes will be markedly hyperpigmented, and the skin around the eyes will become darker and darker, resulting in dark circles.

Third, if the nails turn black

If the blood supply is normal, then the nails will be fleshy pink, with a round and smooth surface, and moderate thickness, without obvious grooves and spots.

But for some people with liver disease, blood circulation can become so disrupted that the nails develop dark spots and become darker.

If it is left untreated, the condition is likely to be further aggravated, which will lead to other diseases, such as malignant tumors. Therefore, it is recommended to go to the hospital for further examination.

Fourth, black lips

If the liver is healthy, the blood circulation in the body will be smoother, so the color of the lips will be pale pink and have a certain gloss.

However, if the liver is to be destroyed, resulting in stagnation of liver qi, normal blood circulation will be affected.

Over time, the lip color will turn dark purple, and even black in severe cases. However, dark lips are not necessarily caused by liver disease, it is related to many different diseases.

Take women as an example, if the usual menstrual period is not accurate, there are problems such as dysmenorrhea, then it is very easy to have black lips.

The above are the four main symptoms of blackening after liver damage. In this regard, patients should pay special attention and strengthen daily care to avoid liver disease.

In normal times, because staying up late will affect the normal work and rest of the liver, so try to rest on time, do not eat too much before going to bed, and pay attention to your diet and exercise properly. Some outdoor exercise can effectively reduce the burden on the liver.