Why are some people prone to nodules, polyps or cysts? Old Chinese medicine: There are three main factors

At the moment of getting the examination report, some people are happy, some people are worried, the most frightening thing is the word of disease in the examination report, common nodules, polyps or cysts. Many people associate these three types with cancer, for fear that they will develop into cancer one day, and often have trouble sleeping and eating because of this. Let’s take a look at what is going on with nodules, polyps or cysts and how to treat them.

Why some people are prone to nodules, cysts or polyps, while others are safe ?

We are becoming more and more aware of the importance of physical examination. When most people get the physical examination report, the report will state the condition of nodules, polyps or cysts. The nodules, polyps and cysts are benign, and very few become malignant.

In fact, polyps, nodules and cysts are physiologically different in nature, for example, nodules are granulomatous diseases that “involve” the lungs Problems can occur in the body, while cysts can appear in different parts of the body and are mainly liquid. Their incentives are also very different, but from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, what are their incentives?

An old Chinese medicine answer: There are mainly 3 factors

First Yesqi stagnation. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, life support relies on qi to promote, and the occurrence of nodules, polyps and cysts may be closely related to the lack of liver qi. Lack of liver qi can affect emotions, and emotions can affect the operation of liver qi, thus entering a vicious circle, which eventually induces these three problems. In particular, poor emotions affect the thyroid and breast tissue, resulting in poor liver qi, which induces breast nodules or thyroid nodules.

If you don’t pay attention to the problem of liver qi, it will gradually develop into phlegm coagulation. If the liver qi problem is not regulated, it will affect other organs, especially the spleen and stomach, which will affect the normal transportation and transformation of the spleen, resulting in phlegm coagulation.

blood stasisalso The result of poor liver qi will damage the heart qi and disturb the blood flow, mainly manifested as thin body, not rosy complexion, many acne, always forgetting things, dry hair and easy to fall off, over time lead to blood stasis, easy to induce nodules, polyps and cysts, etc.

How to use traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning?

1. Qi stagnation

Because the liver controls the flow of qi, it can regulate the qi of the whole body. The key point of conditioning for those with stagnation is to soothe the liver and regulate qi. You may wish to drink more coriander porridge, which is warm in nature and can clear the heart and spleen. You can also drink tangerine peel and orange leaf tea, which belongs to the liver and lung meridians. Symptoms such as cough, chest tightness, and breast nodules.

Or lightly tap the Tanzhong point, the two nipples are connected to the front The intersection of the midline is this acupoint. Paida on this acupoint 30 to 50 times a day can adjust the qi movement and solve the problem of qi stagnation.

2. Phlegm coagulation

Those with phlegm coagulation should drink more Atractylodes Gastrodia barley porridge, This is a porridge made of multi-flavored Chinese herbs, including Poria, dried tangerine peel, Atractylodes and Tianma, as well as ginger and barley. You can also drink Erchen Tang, which is boiled together in a pot to make tangerine peel, licorice, Poria, and Pinellia, which can dry dampness and resolve phlegm, as well as regulate qi and invigorate the spleen. Or massage the Fenglong point, which can dispel dampness and remove phlegm.

3, blood stasis

Those with blood stasis constitution should focus on taking traditional Chinese medicine with the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Stewed black-bone chicken with Angelica and Tianqi is a good choice; Hawthorn can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, as well as digestion and stagnation. Usually, massage or moxibustion on Xuehai, Hegu, Taichong, Geshu and Tanzhong points can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

Warm tips

Keep calm in daily life, learn to reduce stress by yourself, and timely Eliminate negative emotions and face everything with an optimistic attitude, which can promote the operation of liver qi. Adjust the diet structure and stay away from some hair objects, especially spicy, irritating, high-fat and high-calorie foods and seafood, so as not to stimulate the growth of nodules or cysts.

Go to the hospital regularly for follow-up. If the nodules, cysts or polyps become larger in a short period of time, and there is obvious physical discomfort, then surgical excision is required to avoid reducing the quality of life. It is worth noting that if intestinal polyps, especially intestinal adenomatous polyps, should be surgically treated as soon as possible to avoid the development of colorectal cancer and prevent problems before they occur.

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