There are currently five makeshift hospitals in Jilin City, and another 3 makeshift hospitals can be renovated with 7,000 new beds.

On March 15, Jilin City held the fifth press conference on epidemic prevention and control. The relevant persons in charge of Jilin Municipal Health Commission and Jilin Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau introduced the latest situation of epidemic prevention and control in Jilin City.

The reporter learned from the press conference that at present, Jilin Infectious Disease Hospital, Jilin Medical College Affiliated Hospital, Jilin Central Hospital, Jilin Chemical Industry The second hospital, the Fangcang shelter hospital of the Party School, the Fangcang shelter hospital in Changyi District, the Fangcang shelter hospital in the High-tech Zone, the Fourth Fangcang shelter hospital, and the Fangcang shelter hospital in the Vocational Education Park admitted patients. There are 3 makeshift hospitals under renovation, which can add 7,000 beds. Among them, the high-tech North District Fangcang shelter hospital is undergoing smoothing work, with 4,400 new beds; the Jingkai District Fangcang shelter hospital was completed this week, with 1,200 new beds; the women’s middle school Fangcang shelter hospital is under design, and it is expected that 1,400 new beds will be added. open. Jilin City adheres to the principle of “one person, one policy” and “emphasis on traditional Chinese and Western medicine” for treatment, and carries out targeted treatment for all cases. For key personnel such as close contact and sub-close contact, all implementation of traditional Chinese medicine intervention. A total of 970,000 preventive medicines were distributed.

In response to the current severe and complex epidemic prevention and control situation, Jilin City has held successive epidemic prevention and control scheduling meetings and deployment meetings with different themes to carefully study and judge the epidemic situation, take decisive and effective measures to solve the problem of blocking points, and coordinate the allocation of resources Strength, improve the efficiency of the whole process, resolutely fight the three tough battles of full coverage of nucleic acid screening, full admission of positive patients, and full centralized isolation of close contacts, strictly implement various prevention and control measures, and race against time to carry out social clearance operations within 7 days .

Efficient tissue nucleic acid detection.

At present, Jilin City has carried out 8 rounds of nucleic acid testing. From 10:00 on March 15, a new round of nucleic acid testing will be carried out in Jilin City to further accurately screen positive infected persons and conduct timely isolation and control. and medical treatment, to achieve social zero as soon as possible.

Accurately carry out flow regulation traceability and isolation control.

As of 18:00 on March 14, a total of 18,654 people in close contact and 18,380 people in sub-close contact were identified in the city. Jilin City has made every effort to explore potential isolation rooms. On March 13, 96 7,711 rooms in hotels with more than 50 people have been requisitioned. Currently, the requisition of hotels with independent bathrooms is being fully promoted, and 124 8,663 rooms in hotels have been requisitioned. In addition, Jilin City is actively exploring other channels such as pre-sale commercial housing. The square cabin isolation point in the high-tech south area is undergoing site leveling, and 6,000 new rooms can be added. It is expected to be put into use on March 18. A total of 11,457 isolation rooms in Jilin City were supported by cities and prefectures in the province.

To make overall plans for epidemic prevention, production and life.

At present, Jilin City has sufficient reserves of living materials such as rice, noodles, oil, and vegetables, and the supply channels for major daily necessities are unimpeded. The supply of goods is continuously replenished every day, and the stock is dynamically maintained. The prices are basically stable, and the market sales are stable and orderly. . Due to the rapid growth of new cases and the serious consumption of anti-epidemic materials, we are stepping up the procurement of various anti-epidemic materials such as medical masks, protective clothing, isolation gowns, protective face shields, and medical gloves. In terms of enterprise production, key enterprises are subject to fully closed management, and enterprises are urged to strictly implement their main responsibilities, and to adhere to epidemic prevention and control and work safety together.

In the next step, Jilin City will resolutely and conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of various prevention and control work, make great efforts to accurately carry out nucleic acid detection, solidly carry out medical treatment, continue to increase efforts to trace the source of the epidemic, and speed up construction Fangcang shelter hospitals and shelter isolation points ensure that material supply is in place, and it is imperative to curb the spread of the epidemic.

China Jilin Net, Jike APP reporter Wang Shuqiao Text/Photo

Source: China Jilin Net