Xinhua Media+|The new coronavirus antigen test is tested like this

↑On March 15th, in Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University, Zhang Chen carried out the sample adding step, dripping the liquid vertically into the test card into the sample well.

In order to further optimize the new coronavirus detection strategy, the comprehensive group of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council recently decided to add antigen detection as a supplement to nucleic acid detection. Compared with nucleic acid detection, antigen detection can be faster and more convenient to operate, but with lower accuracy, it is generally used in the early stage of infection. On March 15, Zhang Chen, assistant director of the Medical Laboratory Department of Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University, demonstrated the method of antigen detection.

According to the “New Coronavirus Antigen Detection Application Plan (Trial)” that has been formulated and issued, the applicable groups of antigen detection are: First, those who go to primary medical and health institutions for treatment, have respiratory symptoms, fever and other symptoms and have symptoms Persons within 5 days; second, quarantine observation personnel, including home quarantine observation, close contact and sub-close contact, entry quarantine observation, closed control area and personnel in control area; third, community residents who need antigen self-testing.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ji Chunpeng

↑March 15, in the affiliated school of Southeast University In a large hospital, Zhang Chen showed a negative result. The test results should be interpreted within the specified time. A red band appears at the visual window C, and no band is displayed at T, which is a negative result; red bands appear at both C and T, and the bands at T can be dark or shallow, which are all positive results; no red bars are displayed at C No matter whether there is a band at T, it is an invalid result and should be re-tested.

↑On March 15th, at Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University, Zhang Chen washed the swab after sampling .

↑On March 15, at Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University, Zhang Chen was preparing for sample collection after washing his hands.

↑On March 15, at Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University, Zhang Chen blew his nose before sample collection.

↑On March 15, at Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University, Zhang Chen took a nasal swab sampling.

Source: Xinhua News Agency