The Community Health Party Branch of the Seventh People’s Hospital of Jinan City carried out the “Double Registration” activity of the Party member community

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point Reporter Liu Tong CorrespondentLiu Qingle Zhang Yingying

In March, the spring breeze blows . At 8:00 a.m. on March 11, the Community Health Party Branch of the Seventh People’s Hospital of Jinan City (formerly Jigang Hospital), together with a group of 10 people from the Cardiology Department and Tangye Branch, went to Xinyuan Community to carry out Party membership under strict compliance with the requirements of epidemic prevention. Community “double check-in” activity.

The tables and chairs for the consultation service were just set up, and Mr. Wang, a resident served by Dr. Sun Peihui’s team, asked impatiently, “Director Sun, In the past two days, my mood has been unstable, and sometimes I feel dizzy and have headaches. Is it because my blood pressure is high again? Please test me quickly.” Sun Peihui comforted him after measuring his blood pressure: “The blood pressure is a little high, let’s find the reason together. , have you had any recent mood changes, greasy diet, high-salt food, forgetting to take medicine, poor sleep, etc.?” Dr. Sun Peihui then recorded the existing problems and medication situation one by one, and gave targeted solutions. , Teacher Wang is also very satisfied with Sun Peihui’s answer. Then Sun Peihui made an appointment with the party branch of Xinyuan Community for the medical examination of residents in April.

Community head nurse Wang Li explained the precautions for daily hand washing and wearing masks to help residents improve their self-protection capabilities. Cardiologist Wang Shiai explained the knowledge of self-rescue in the event of coronary heart disease on the spot, demonstrated the cardiopulmonary resuscitation process on the spot, and instructed the backbone of community party members, volunteers and residents on the correct operation methods and precautions. Doctor Xie Xiapin conducted psychological counseling for residents’ psychological state, and doctor Yang Guichang answered the relevant matters that should be paid attention to during physical examination.

This activity provided free consultation for residents, measured blood pressure for more than 50 people, and measured blood sugar for more than 20 people.