Yangzhou Medical Treatment Experts Advice: Residents do this to protect themselves

Correspondent Fu Xuan Reporter Lu Kangjie

The current situation of epidemic prevention and control is severe and complicated. How should citizens do personal protection? Wu Feng, deputy head of the city’s new coronavirus pneumonia medical treatment expert group, head of the respiratory group, and director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine at the Affiliated Hospital of Yangzhou University, reminded that citizens still need to wear masks, maintain hand hygiene, etc., and do a good job in personal protection. .

Wear a mask and pay attention to breathing etiquette

In terms of personal protection, wearing a mask is still the most important part of protection, especially when there are many people in indoor public places.

At the same time, always remember to maintain hand hygiene, wash your hands when you go home, before meals and after using the toilet, before touching your nose and eyes, and after touching public items. Wash your hands with soap or hand sanitizer under running water, and use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if running water is not available.

When outside, observe breathing etiquette. Do not spit, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with your sleeves or elbows in an emergency, avoid using your hands to cover your mouth and nose, and wash your hands in time if you use your hands.

Return from other places to report as soon as possible

To maintain appropriate social distance, in public places, keep a distance of more than 1 meter from others as much as possible, and avoid contact with people who are sick with fever or respiratory symptoms. You should go to shopping malls, supermarkets, farmers markets and other places at different peak times as needed to reduce gatherings.

It is necessary to do a good job of self-health monitoring on a daily basis, consult and seek medical treatment in a regular medical institution in time if you find discomfort, keep your home environment clean, ventilate frequently, dry clothes and quilts frequently, have a reasonable diet, work and rest regularly, strengthen nutrition, exercise moderately, and maintain a healthy body .

Returning citizens from other places to report to the community as soon as possible, testing nucleic acids as required, and conducting home observation and health testing.

Prepare the Sukang code in advance for hospital visits

Patients who need to see a doctor need to prepare the Sukang code, itinerary code, ID card, etc. in advance. They can register online, make an appointment for examination, and make an appointment to go to a designated hospital to reduce gatherings. They can also download the flow schedule in advance to save money. time.

In addition, citizens should be vaccinated against the new crown in time. Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the best way to prevent COVID-19, helping to build a herd immunity barrier, slowing and ultimately stopping the epidemic, and protecting the health of individuals and their families. Please follow the arrangement of the community or unit, strictly follow the immunization procedure, and get the vaccine on time.

(Yangzhou Daily-Yangzhou Net)