Jilin medical and epidemic prevention materials are urgent! More than 4,000 new infections in a single day

The current round of the epidemic in the mainland is expected to be brought under control in early April 2022, with an estimated cumulative infection of about 35,000 people.

Writing | Tian Dongliang

Source | “Medical Community” Public Account

On March 14, a total of 3,507 new local confirmed cases of the new crown were added in mainland China, of which Jilin Province accounted for 3,075 cases. In addition, Jilin also added 991 new cases of asymptomatic infection. As of 9:00 on March 15, there were 1,427 cases of people who were initially screened for the new coronavirus in Jilin Province.

The most severely affected cities in Jilin Province are Jilin City and Changchun City. These two cities have completed the construction of 5 makeshift hospitals (4 in Jilin City and 1 in Changchun City), which have been vacated 7 medical institutions. Medical teams have also been dispatched from all over the country and chartered flights to Jilin to help fight the epidemic.

Since March, mainland China has reported more than 15,000 local new crown infections, affecting 28 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities). On the afternoon of March 15, the press conference held by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council stated that although the epidemic prevention and control is more difficult and the prevention and control situation is severe and complicated, my country’s current general policy of “dynamic clearing” and a series of prevention and control measures It is effective to deal with the Omicron variant outbreak. The number of people who have completed the whole course of vaccination in my country is 1.239171 billion.

Lanzhou University’s Global Prediction System for COVID-19 has also made predictions for the current round of the epidemic in mainland my country. According to the “Lanzhou Morning Post”, preliminary forecast results show that the current round of the epidemic in the mainland is expected to be brought under control in early April 2022, with an estimated cumulative infection of about 35,000 people.

Jilin Province medical and epidemic prevention materials can only meet the needs of 2-3 days

“Judging from the dispatch of medical supplies, living supplies, element supply and other supplies in the province, the province’s medical and anti-epidemic supplies can only meet the needs of 2-3 days, and we are going all out to win all parties Support.” Zhang Li, deputy director of the Jilin Provincial Health Commission, introduced at a press conference on the morning of the 15th.

In response to the shortage of medical and epidemic prevention funds, the Jilin Provincial Red Cross Society has issued a public fundraising proposal to the whole society to receive material donations and social donations, including protective equipment (medical surgical masks, medical protective clothing, medical protective masks, etc.), disinfection items (quick-drying hand sanitizer, 84 disinfectant/disinfecting effervescent tablets, etc.) and medicines Recommended drugs].

According to the “Changchun Release” news, at 12:38 on March 14, a flight carrying 88 medical staff from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and 2,080 kilograms of medical supplies arrived at Changchun Longjia International Airport. This is the prelude to the national campaign to help Jilin to fight the new crown epidemic.

On the afternoon of the 15th, Jilin City’s press conference on epidemic prevention and control revealed that as of March 14th, a total of 5 medical teams sent from 5 provinces (cities) and autonomous regions supported Jilin City. Mainly responsible for medical treatment, nucleic acid testing, isolation and transportation, etc. They are: 100 from Heilongjiang Province, 121 from Henan Province, 104 from Jiangxi Province, 615 from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and 8 from Liaoning Province. Liaoning Province also deployed 30 negative pressure ambulances to support Jilin City.

Picture from “Changchun Release”

In addition to the 4 makeshift hospitals that have been put into use in Jilin City, 3 more makeshift hospitals are being renovated, which can add 7,000 beds. In addition, Jilin City has requisitioned 124 hotels (8,663 rooms) as isolation rooms. As of 18:00 on March 14, Jilin City has identified 18,654 people in close contact and 18,380 people in secondary contact. The square cabin isolation point in the Gaoxin South District of Jilin City is undergoing site leveling. It is expected to be put into use on the 18th, and 6,000 rooms can be added. The cities and prefectures in Jilin Province have supported a total of 11,457 isolation rooms in Jilin City, and will organize the transfer of the first batch of isolation personnel to Baishan today.

According to the press conference held by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council today, Jilin Province had 8,201 hospitalized cases as of the morning of the 15th, including 2 critical and 2 severe cases in Jilin City, and 2 in Changchun City. There are 2 severe cases, the common type accounts for about 4%, and more than 95% of the patients are asymptomatic infections and mild cases.

Jilin Province has put forward the slogan of resolutely winning the “Battle of Changchun, the War of Destruction in Jilin, and the War of Blocking Everywhere”, and has put forward the goal of achieving social zero within a week.

Langfang City strictly implements block control management

Langfang City, which is only more than 50 kilometers away from Beijing, announced on March 15 that it will strictly implement global lockdown management.

Although Langfang City is not the first city in Hebei Province to report new coronavirus infections in this round of epidemics, it is the city with the most new infections in Hebei Province in this round of epidemics.

After Shijiazhuang and Xingtai successively reported confirmed cases of the new crown, Langfang City successively conducted nucleic acid tests for all employees in Anci District, Development Zone, and Guangyang District. On March 10, Langfang City reported that 3 residents in Guangyang District had positive nucleic acid results, 2 were confirmed cases, and 1 was asymptomatic.

From March 10 to March 14, within 5 days, Langfang City has reported a total of 448 new crown infections (70 confirmed cases, 378 asymptomatic infections)Example), of which 98% of the positive tests were in centralized isolation points, closed and controlled areas, and control areas. Zhang Chunyan, the new deputy mayor of Langfang City, said that there is still a risk of spreading and spreading in society.

Langfang City has adjusted the whole area of ​​Geyu Town in Anci District as a high-risk area, and adjusted Taohe Village and Taoyuan Village in Donggugang Town as a medium-risk area. On March 13, Langfang launched nucleic acid testing for all employees in the city. The whole city of Langfang has carried out carpet killing.

Pictures from “Langfang Release”

After the whole-area closure and control of Langfang City, all communities (village houses) will have only one entrance and exit, and only one entrance and exit will be reserved for people, and vehicles will not be allowed to pass through. And strictly implement home isolation. During the isolation period, all people in the community (village) stay at home, and those who refuse to obey the management, break in and out without permission, or conceal their itinerary will be held accountable according to laws and regulations.

Do not randomize antigen testing in general population

With the launch of the “New Coronavirus Antigen Detection Application Program”, on March 15, Jilin also released the “Jilin Province New Coronavirus Antigen Self-Testing Personnel Operation Manual (Trial)”. According to “People’s Daily Online”, Jilin Province has purchased 12 million antigen detection reagents.

Introduced by Song Xiaohui, deputy director of the Jilin Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Jilin promotes the “antigen screening, nucleic acid diagnosis” monitoring mode based on the characteristics of Omicron’s transmission. On the basis of nucleic acid detection, more antigens are added. detection as a supplement.

At a press conference held by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council on March 15, Li Jinming, Deputy Director of the Clinical Laboratory Center of the National Health Commission, also responded to questions related to antigen testing, clearly stating that antigen testing Not a substitute for nucleic acid testing.

Li Jinming said that there are three main groups of people applying antigen testing:

The first category is people who have relevant clinical symptoms (such as fever) who have gone to primary medical institutions. If the nucleic acid test is negative, they can be observed at home and tested for antigens for 5 consecutive days. If it is a new crown infected person, there will be a day in these 5 days when the virus content will be relatively high, and a positive test can be detected. If the antigen test continues to be negative, no intervention is required, and the risk is lifted.

The second category is quarantine observation personnel, including home quarantine observation personnel, quarantine observation personnel entering overseas, close contact, sub-close contact, and those who stay at home in closed communities. The antigen test will be tested for 5 consecutive days, once a day. If all 5 times are negative, no intervention is required until the final nucleic acid test is performed when the quarantine is lifted.

The third category is the voluntary antigen testing personnel among the residents. If the test is positive, the nucleic acid test should be done as soon as possible. If it is negative, the antigen can be tested again when necessary. If there are obvious clinical symptoms, you should go to the fever clinic, especially those with fever, loss of taste and smell. It is necessary to go to the fever clinic, because loss of taste and smell is a non-specific symptom of new crown infection.

Li Jinming pointed out that the sensitivity of nucleic acid detection is 100 to 1000 times higher than that of antigen detection. If a person is infected with the new coronavirus, the virus content in the throat reaches 1 million or even 10 million per milliliter. , most of which can be detected by antigen testing. In addition, nucleic acid testing has no false positives in methodology, so nucleic acid testing has always been the “gold standard” for diagnosing new crown infection.

“So the antigen test cannot replace the nucleic acid test. When the antigen test is positive, the nucleic acid test must be done to confirm. If the nucleic acid test is positive, regardless of whether the antigen test is negative or positive, the All inspectors should take measures as new crown infections or confirmed patients.” Li Jinming said.

As for the acquisition channels for antigen testing, Jiao Yahui, director of the National Health and Medical Commission’s Medical Administration and Hospital Administration Bureau, said that if residents have the need for antigen testing, they can go to the nearest grass-roots medical and health institutions for antigen testing. Antigen test kits can be purchased at retail pharmacies or online and tested at home.

However, Li Jinming also reminded that antigen testing should be used for high-risk, high-prevalence cluster infection testing, and the general population should not do antigen testing at will.

Source: Medicine

Editor in charge: Zheng Huaju

Proofreading: Zang Hengjia

Plate making: Xue Jiao