(Endeavouring for a new journey, making contributions to a new era, and making great changes) Minor illnesses do not leave the village, and there are “famous doctors” in the village

Xinhua News Agency, Hohhot, March 15th: “Famous doctors” in villages and villages with minor illnesses

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wei Jingyu

69-year-old Liu Yuqin suffers from diabetes. In the past, she had to be accompanied by her family to a county hospital more than 80 kilometers away. It took at least two days for a round trip. Now she can receive treatment from a “famous local doctor” by walking to the village clinic in ten minutes. treat.

Since 2019, in Liu Yuqin’s hometown of Tuquan County, Xing’an League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, high-quality medical resources have been sunk to the grassroots level, and a group of “local famous doctors” have been enriched in township hospitals and village clinics. Minor ailments and common ailments can be treated at your doorstep.

Liu Yuqin suffered from edema all over her body due to complications from diabetes. Every morning she went to the clinic in Baolong Village, Baoshi Town, Tuquan County for acupuncture treatment. “It’s much easier to stick a needle for an hour without delaying going home at noon to do farm work and housework,” Liu Yuqin said. In addition to a few villagers from Baolong Village, there were also patients from neighboring villages who were treated at the Baolong Village Clinic. Dr. Li Chaohui from the village clinic is one of the first batch of “local famous doctors” trained in Tuquan County, and has won the trust of the villagers because of his excellent acupuncture skills.

“After the county implemented the ‘Famous Local Doctors’ program, I was sent to study abroad twice, which greatly improved my diagnosis and treatment skills, and acupuncture treatment can play a better role.” Li Chaohui said that in the past the village health There are only three or five people in the room to see the doctor a day, and now the patients waiting for acupuncture are lined up from morning to night, and they are too busy to hire three medical staff.

The village doctor is the “gatekeeper” of the villagers’ health. Tuquan County has improved the ability of the village doctor team to target diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Cultivate “local famous doctors” for common diseases to meet the daily medical needs of villagers.

Li Zhaohui said: “The village clinics are now managed in accordance with outpatient clinics, and there are expert clinics to supervise and guide the village clinics. Seeing a doctor and purchasing medicines are more standardized.”

Li Shuzhi, a villager in Baosheng Village, Baoshi Town, bought medicine for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the village clinic. The toll collector of the town clinic 10 kilometers away settled the medicine fee for her in the medical insurance reimbursement system, and took a photo of the settlement slip and sent it to the village. Doctor, Li Shuzhi immediately scanned the code at the village clinic to pay, and went directly to the medical insurance for reimbursement.

“The outpatient construction of village clinics is the key to the integration of county and rural medical and health services.” Song Qingjun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the General Hospital of Tuquan County Medical Group and president of the Baotou Town Health Center, said that the township health center After the unified management of the village clinics, the outpatient volume of the township medical institutions has more than tripled, and two-thirds of them come from the village clinics. Achieve seamless connection between county and township referrals.

The reporter learned that not only Song Qingjun and other vice presidents of county-level medical institutions came to 11 township health centers in Tuquan County to serve as executive presidents, but also specialist doctors regularly visit township health centers to meet the needs of experts. Sink full coverage.

In the first year that Han Ying, a neurologist from Tuquan County People’s Hospital, was stationed at the Shuiquan Township Health Center, the health center that had not received patients for many years began to accept patients, and invited specialist doctors to complete the work in the health center. 28 surgeries. Han Ying said: “The hardware facilities of the health center are complete, but the diagnosis and treatment capabilities need to be improved. We conduct hands-on training for medical staff and invite specialist doctors to visit regularly. Some minor operations that can be completed in the health center do not need to go to the county hospital.

When Han Ying first went to the village for free clinic in Shuiquan Town, the villagers always asked anxiously, “Can the health center cure the disease?” “At that time, the villagers generally did not trust the township health center. If they have minor illnesses, they will go to the health center first.” Han Ying said, “We will continue to improve the capacity of primary medical services, and truly make the villagers ‘minor illnesses not in the village’.” (End)