Eating garlic often to nourish the liver or damage the liver? Authoritative research: Eating garlic every week may prevent liver cancer from developing

“If you have liver disease, you must not eat garlic!”

“Garlic can kill bacteria and reduce inflammation, so you should eat more garlic for hepatitis!”< /p>


As the saying goes, if you don’t eat garlic, the aroma will be half less. Mr. Zhou usually likes to eat garlic. Unfortunately, Recently, he was diagnosed with hepatitis B, and his family made repeated orders not to eat garlic.

This made Mr. Zhou anxious. His family believed that garlic was a spicy and irritating food, which would easily increase the burden on the liver. But Mr. Zhou doesn’t think so. He believes that garlic can kill bacteria and reduce inflammation, which is good for hepatitis. Instead, he should eat more garlic.

It seems that they all have their own reasons. Does garlic damage the liver or nourish the liver?

First, authoritative research: garlic may prevent liver cancer from developing

Many people think that if you have hepatitis B, you can’t touch a bit of garlic, but research has found that garlic may have the potential to prevent liver cancer. The School of Public Health, Nanjing Medical University, and the Institute of Liver Cancer Prevention and Control, Qidong People’s Hospital, Jiangsu Province, conducted a study. The dietary habits of 70-year-old hepatitis B virus carriers were studied and followed up. Their diets mainly consisted of vegetables, beans, fruits, eggs, meat, nuts, garlic, corn and fried foods.

270 hepatitis B carriers developed liver cancer during the follow-up period. The study found that among all dietary habits, eating garlic was associated with the risk of liver cancer, and concluded that Two conclusions:

Conclusion 1: People who eat garlic more than seven times a week have a significantly lower risk of liver cancer than those who rarely eat garlic;

Conclusion 2: Compared with people who do not eat garlic and do not drink tea, people who eat garlic and drink tea at the same time can reduce the risk of liver cancer59 %.

Two, the question is, can garlic nourish the liver and fight cancer?

Garlic is indeed a nutrient-rich food, rich in trace elements selenium, and crushed garlic also contains allicin, which can play a role in bactericidal and anti-inflammatory. So, can garlic really nourish the liver and fight cancer?

Yao Zhen, Chief Physician, Department of Internal Medicine, Shougang General Hospitalthinks that so farThere is not enough scientific evidence to prove that garlic has anti-cancer effects, but allicin does have antibacterial and antioxidant capabilities, and has a certain positive effect on protecting immunity and preventing cancer effect.

It is important to note thatexcessive intake of garlic is also harmful, increasing The secretion of gastric acid, which irritates the stomach, is not good for patients with gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, people with liver disease should not eat too much garlicexcessive consumption of garlic. .

Therefore, you should also control the amount of garlic you eat, especially raw garlic. You should not eat too much at one time. It is recommended that every It is advisable to eat 1-2 cloves of garlic with meals, preferably with other foods, which can reduce the irritation of garlic to the digestive tract.

Third, if you want to nourish your liver, which foods should you eat less?

The liver is an important organ of the human body. Once the liver is damaged, it will affect the health of the body. Diet and liver health are closely related. If you want to nourish the liver, it is recommended to eat less of these foods :

1. Alcohol

Alcohol has many effects on the body, especially It is the liver, because the liver is the main place in the human body to metabolize alcohol. Long-term heavy drinking can easily lead to fibrosis in the liverhepatic fibrosis, and even irreversible of alcoholic liver cirrhosis.

2. Preserved food

During the process of marinating food, It will produce a lot of nitrite, which will synthesize ammonium nitrate after entering the human body. If you eat a lot of pickled food for a long time, it may cause the metabolism of the liver The burden of detoxification increases, leading to an increased risk of liver disease.

3. High-fat foods

High-fat foods such as fatty meat, organ meats and Meat, butter, fried foods, etc. all contain a lot of cholesterol and fat. Long-term intake is not only easy to become obese, but also easy to cause high blood lipids, increase the burden on the liver, reduce the metabolic capacity of the liver, and reduce the metabolic rate of fat. , resulting in excessive accumulation of fat in the liver, which may easily induce fatty liver and liver cirrhosisand other diseases.

4. Moldy fruits and vegetables

Moldy food will contain Aflatoxin, which is a carcinogen that can easily damage the liver and even induce cancer after ingesting it, such as moldy peanuts, corn and Soybeans etc.

four, do not want to convert hepatitis B to liver cancer, two things must be adhered to

China is a big country with hepatitis B, and there are about 93 million people infected with hepatitis B virus. Among individuals, almost 1 person is infected with hepatitis B virus. If there is hepatitis B and no effective measures are taken to control it, it is easy to cause hepatitis B to develop into liver cancer. Especially for hepatitis B patients, they should pay more attention to protecting the liver and prevent hepatitis B from turning into liver cancer.

1. Adhere to a healthy lifestyle

Abstain from alcohol and smoking, eat more vegetables and fruits, and reduce intake Eat too greasy food, do not stay up late, so that the liver cells can be repaired, which helps to improve the immunity of the liver, thereby inhibiting the virus. Reduce the accumulation of excessive carcinogens in the liver, accelerate metabolism, reduce the burden on the liver, increase energy consumption, and reduce the accumulation of fat.

2. Actively cooperate with doctors for treatment and regularly review

During the development of hepatitis B , it will replicate the hepatitis B virus in large numbers, which is also a key factor leading to the development of the disease, so it is necessary to actively cooperate with doctors to treat and prevent hepatitis B from developing into cirrhosis. In addition, the development of hepatitis B is relatively secretive, and regular review is required to detect the progress of the disease in time. It is recommended that hepatitis B patients should have a physical examination every six months, such as liver function tests, color Doppler ultrasound, and alpha-fetoprotein testing.

In short, as the liver is an important organ of the human body, we should pay attention to our diet and living habits in peacetime, and do less things that damage the liver to help reduce the burden on the liver, which is more conducive to taking care of the liver of health. #Health2022##Health Star Program#


[1] “Garlic and tea can prevent liver cancer from developing”. Life Times. 2020-06-03

[2] “The “King of Anti-Cancer”? Is garlic really so magical?”. People’s Daily Online. 2016-08-16

[3] “Can’t you eat garlic on an empty stomach? Eating too often will make the stomach hard? 》.Science China.2019-12-17

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