Can cancer cells be cleared in 30 minutes? How amazing is this technology? Bringing cancer patients back to life

Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy are the most common surgical treatments and traditional cancer treatments. With the advancement of science and the continuous advancement of medical development by medical personnel, many new treatment methods have emerged, and neutron therapy is one of them.

neutron therapy Also known as boron neutron capture therapy, it is one of the most advanced cancer treatments, which can precisely target cancer cells. Compared with traditional treatment methods, neutron therapy has fewer side effects and greatly reduced treatment costs. Understanding neutron therapy is essential for cancer patients.

What is neutron therapy?

Neutron therapy is boron neutron capture therapy, the most advanced cancer treatment. This kind of treatment method is a new treatment method in recent years. It uses neutrons and Peng elements enriched in tumor cells to produce specific capture reactions to generate short-range secondary particles for targeted therapy in tumor cells< strong>Killing tumor cells, which is the therapeutic principle of neutron therapy.

Neutron therapy is suitable for the treatment of malignant tumors such as invasion, metastasis and recurrence , especially those tumors that are not suitable for traditional treatment methods such as surgery and chemotherapy.

What are the advantages of neutron therapy?

1. Suitable for many types of cancer

There are many types of cancer, and the same type of cancer will also There are different characteristics, traditional cancer treatment methods have a little limitation, neutron therapy can overcome this problem, whether it is multiple, radiation resistant, recurrent or invasive cancer, this therapy can be used.

2, less side effects

Another advantage of discontinuing treatment is that it has strong safety and fewer side effects. This treatment method does not require surgery and can precisely kill cancer cells without damaging surrounding tissue cells. Unlike chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which inevitably damage normal cells, there will be major adverse reactions.

3. Short course of treatment

Compared with chemotherapy, the course of neutron therapy is relatively short. Chemotherapy generally takes 4 to 8 courses, each course of 21 days. Neutron therapy only requires 1 or 2 times of irradiation, and each time does not exceed an hour, which greatly shortens the treatment time.

4. Good treatment effect< /p>

Neutron therapy is currently the most advanced treatment method that can precisely kill cancer cells. And this treatment is free of drug resistance, which reduces the risk of relapse. And the treatment process is not painful, reduces the pressure of cancer patients, and improves the quality of life.

What cancers can neutron therapy treat?

1. Head and Neck Tumors

The Japanese Association for Cancer Therapy released a relevant case report, stating that , performed neutron therapy on 37 patients with end-stage head and neck tumors, and found that more than 50% of cancer patients were eventually cured. This reflects neutron therapy, which is effective in head and neck tumors.

2, liver cancer

Boric acid can selectively reside in liver tumor tissue and tumor blood vessels, so neutron therapy can also be used to treat liver cancer. Scientists have conducted animal experiments. After two treatments of animals with tumors, 93.75% tumors disappeared. And no damage to normal liver cells.

3. Brain Tumors

Studies show that neutron therapy is also effective for brain tumors. efficient. Twenty brain tumor patients who were treated with neutron therapy were followed up and followed up and found that after two months of treatment, brain tumor volume was reduced by an average of 64.5% span>.

Which patients are suitable for neutron therapy?

Neutron therapy works well, but it’s not for everyone. Currently suitable patients include: cancer patients over 20 years old and under 80 years old, cancer patients who cannot be operated, patients with unilateral brain tumor, patients with grade 3 or 4 glioma at the first or recurrence, and patients with a history of radiotherapy at the lesion site patients etc. To communicate with your doctor in detail, choose the most suitable treatment plan for you.

It is undeniable that neutron therapy is very advanced and has good curative effect, but it also has certain limitations. Full coverage of cancer treatment cannot be achieved without extensive clinical treatment. Moreover, the neutron therapy in my country is in its infancy, and there are many limitations. Before deciding to receive neutron therapy, it is necessary to make relevant precautions so that the treatment can proceed smoothly.

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