“God of Cooking” reporter died of lung cancer at an early age, remember several characteristics of lung cancer, pay attention to prevention

Anyone who likes Stephen Chow’s films must have seen “The God of Cookery”. There is a reporter character in “The God of Cooking”. This actor is called Zhu Wenjun. Actor and host Zhu Wenjun died of lung cancer at the age of 55, according to the official Weibo account of Hong Kong TVB (TVB). He died of lung cancer at the age of 55, which is considered an early death. In fact, she has been suffering from lung cancer for more than two years, and has been hiding it from the outside world.

Lung cancer is really common, with onset in people in their 90s and children in their teens. Lung cancer will be treated indiscriminately, whether it is ordinary people or celebrity millionaires. Therefore, for this common disease and frequently-occurring disease, we must understand its characteristics.

Lung cancer is asymptomatic in the early stage

Lung cancer in the early stage is generally asymptomatic, and many lung cancer patients are found by accident during physical examination or other reasons. If the lung lesions are not close to the bronchus or the pleura, even if the mass has exceeded 5cm in size, some patients do not have any discomfort, and these patients are often not early when they are discovered. And some patients only show some mild, non-specific symptoms, these symptoms are very atypical, such as cough, expectoration, shortness of breath, fatigue, weight loss and so on.

Whether it can be cured depends on how soon it is discovered

The 5-year survival rate of lung cancer patients in my country is significantly lower than that of developed countries in Europe and the United States. The main reason is that the proportion of early stage patients is low, and the middle and late stages mean poor prognosis and short survival time. Whether or not lung cancer can be cured depends on the time of discovery. For example, for stage 0 carcinoma in situ, the cure rate for surgery is 100%. The 5-year survival rate for stage IA lung cancer is about 90%, while the 5-year survival rate for advanced stage IV patients is very low. Even with treatment, it is only about 20%.

Lung cancer screening exam is extremely important

Since most patients with lung cancer have no symptoms in the early stage, and only early stage patients have a greater chance of being cured, early detection is the key. Never wait until you feel unwell before thinking about going to the hospital. Early screening of lung cancer, regular physical examination is the key. For people at high risk of lung cancer, regardless of physical discomfort, annual chest CT scan is a must. Lung cancer high-risk groups refer to the following groups over the age of 45: heavy smokers, smoking index over 400, smoking cessation less than 15 years; occupational exposure (including exposure to smoke, toxic chemical gases, asbestos, beryllium, uranium, radon, radiation, etc.) ); long-term passive smokers; a history of malignancy or a family history of lung cancer; a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), silicosis, tuberculosis, or diffuse pulmonary fibrosis.

Lung cancer is preventable

Cancer is preventable, as is lung cancer. The focus of prevention is to quit smoking, stay away from second-hand smoke, take occupational protection at work, and minimize occupational exposure. Usually reduce the inhalation of kitchen fumes, stay away from newly renovated indoor spaces, and stay away from ionizing radiation. Insist on exercising, do not overwork, do not stay up late, ensure sufficient immunity, and maintain a good attitude.