Hardcore | Ten trips to the hut a day? Is it okay to not poop? What are the symptoms of ulcerative colitis

“Shocked! The 60-year-old old man has diarrhea, and the cause is colitis!”

“Shen Du Jun, more than ten times a day, diarrhea is still returning Bloody, what’s wrong with me?”

What’s the matter with colitis? Is diarrhea the same as colitis? How can colitis be prevented and treated?

You can accept this small book! There is a deep reading gentleman, and the problem is swept away.

Closed the curtains and then turned off the lights, ACTION, deep reading of the video blockbuster “Colitis Special” begins!

What is colitis?

In medical books, colitis is an inflammatory disease of the colon caused by various reasons.

There are many factors that can cause colitis, such asbacteria, fungi, viruses, parasitesetc.infection, genetics, immunity, antibiotics, radiotherapyetc.

colitisis a general term for a large group of diseases, which can be divided into according to the etiology ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, ischemic colitis, pseudomembranous colitis, etc., of which The most common is ulcerative colitis, and this topic focuses on ulcerative colitis.

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic nonspecific inflammatory bowel diseasedisease , mainly involving rectum and colon, mostly A chronic course of recurrent episodes.

Old rules, a wave of data:

< p>The incidence of colitis is high, and the prevalence of ulcerative colitis in my country is about 11.6/100,000.

Ulcerative colitis can develop at any age, with a high incidence of 20-49 years of age.

Interestingly, ulcerative colitisincidencealso andEconomyRelated,The better the economy, the higher the incidence< span>.

What are the symptoms of ulcerative colitis?

“After pulling my pants a dozen times, my stomach started to ring again.”

The main symptoms of ulcerative colitis are diarrhea with mucus, pus and blood in the stool.

diarrheasevere, depending on the number of bowel movements per day, milder< span>2 to 4 bowel movements per day, more than 6 bowel movementsis serious.

Mucus pus and bloody stools are mostly mushyor< strong>Dilute Water with mucusand < strong>Pus and blood.

If you have more than ten bowel movements per day with pus and blood, then It’s quite a serious situation.

“Ouch, my stomach hurts, is someone hammering?”< /span>

abdominal painis a common symptom of ulcerative colitis, and the pain area starts withLeft lower abdomenor lower abdomenmore common, may also appear as< strong>Full abdominal pain.

abdominal pain attacksfrequentlyintentional strong>, pain relief after defecation.

“I want to pull but I can’t pull it out, don’t pull it, I always feel like I’m putting on my pants It will spit out and can only be welded on the toilet to hold back hemorrhoids, 555~”

This bad situation is medically called Tenesmus is also a typical symptom of ulcerative colitis.

“A high fever of 39 degrees and exhausted, is this going to die?”

Ulcerative colitis may be Accompanied by abdominal distention, loss of appetite, nausea, vomitingand other symptoms. In severe cases, it may also be accompanied by systemic symptoms such asfever, headache, and fatigue.

What are the dangers of untreated ulcerative colitis?

Severe diarrhea, which may cause dehydration , causing electrolyte disturbances, potentially life-threatening.

Ulcerative colitis may also affectimmune systemfunction, resulting in < /span>arthritis, osteomalacia, ankylosing spondylitis, erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum and other complications.

In addition, ulcerative colitis can cause intestinal obstruction, bowel perforation, bowel bleeding, bowel polyps strong>and other complications, and even cancerouspossible.

Can ulcerative colitis be cured?

Deep Reader regrets to inform you that ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease , easyrelapse, difficult to cure completely.

Current medical methods are mainly through drug therapy, < strong>reduces the number of recurrences, while reduces complications.

If ulcerative colitis developsintestinal obstructionor < strong>Intestinal perforation and other serious complications, requiring surgery.

“Shen Du Jun, where is the colon? It’s good, why is it inflamed? Why does the diarrhea persist?”

What does the colon do? What are the symptoms of ulcerative colitis?

Love food, love gastrointestinal tract, love life dear, come early in the next episode, Shen Du Jun will take you for a walk in the gastrointestinal tract to see ulcerative colitis How fat four!

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