Knifeless femtosecond laser replaces traditional scalpel, ICL lens implantation is safer for myopia

Many myopic patients have a strong need to remove lenses, but they are afraid of surgery due to concerns about safety. Nowadays, the application of femtosecond laser makes the whole process of ICL surgery without knife, which has improved the safety. The reporter learned from Aier Ophthalmology’s ICL lens implantation experience upgrade conference that femtosecond technology is applied in the field of ICL myopia correction, and the two core technologies of femtosecond laser and lens implantation are integrated to provide higher surgery for myopia patients. Safety and comfort. Experts said that femtosecond ICL lens implantation surgery has a wider range of correction, especially for people with high and ultra-high myopia.

Aier Ophthalmology Femtosecond ICL Lens Implantation Upgrade Experience Conference

ICL Lens Implant Correction Range Wider, but not applicable to everyone

Data show that the incidence of myopia in Asia is higher than that in Europe and the United States, while the incidence of myopia in China ranks first in Asia, reaching 48.5%. At present, the number of myopia patients in China has exceeded 600 million. The degree of myopia greater than 600 degrees is high myopia. In my country, there are more than 70 million patients with high myopia.

Myopia patients, especially those with high myopia, need to wear thick lenses, which brings inconvenience to their work and life. At the same time, it also has a certain impact on the appearance and image of patients, and may even make some patients feel unconfident. Many myopic patients have a strong need to remove the lens, but they are afraid of surgery due to concerns about safety.

Professor Wang Zheng, vice chairman of the Refractive Surgery Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association Ophthalmologist Branch, on-site popular science

Current refractive surgery The mainstream surgical procedures have covered corneal refractive surgery, such as femtosecond laser surgery, full femtosecond surgery, superficial surgery, etc., as well as lens implantation surgery, ICL lens implantation surgery and femtosecond ICL surgery.

“Common myopia surgery is divided into two categories: corneal laser surgery and ICL lens implantation: corneal laser surgery changes the refractive power of the cornea by cutting the cornea to correct refractive errors, mainly for corneal conditions Good and relatively low myopia; ICL lens implantation implants a soft and safe intraocular lens in the human eyeball through a minimally invasive incision. Through this special contact lens, the effect of vision correction is achieved. The correction range is wider, especially for people with high and super high myopia.” Professor Wang Zheng, deputy director of the Refractive Surgery Special Committee of the Ophthalmologist Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, explained.

“Of course, there are also patients with moderate and low degrees who choose ICL lens implantation. Myopia and astigmatism within 600 degrees. However, whether an individual can do ICL lens implantation requires a comprehensive examination before surgery to determine the eye condition.” Professor Wang Zheng said.

Professor Fang Xuejun, vice president of Aier Eye Hospital Group Liaoning Province, interacted on the spot.

Professor Fang Xuejun, vice president of Aier Eye Hospital Group Liaoning Province, pointed out that during femtosecond ICL surgery, the surgeon used the patented one-step hydrogel technology to fix the eyeball, and the knifeless femtosecond laser was used to fix the eyeball. Instead of the traditional scalpel, the patient can feel the whole process of the operation without pain and feeling, and can be completely relaxed physically and psychologically, and then use the micron-level ophthalmic tomography to guide the femtosecond laser to accurately make a three-segment corneal incision with better watertightness , so as to promote the fast closure of the wound, and then implant a “custom” intraocular lens, which is equivalent to doing “additive” surgery on the eye, without removing any eye tissue, and without damaging the fundus and retina.

The audience listened carefully to the experts’ popular science.

Myopia people are particular about choosing surgical procedures

What aspects are the experience upgrades of ICL lens implantation mainly reflected in? Professor Wang Zheng introduced, first, the incision will be made more precise, beautiful and safe. Second, because there is no knife, the patient will feel more at ease, and there is not much discomfort on the operating table. There is only a small negative pressure to gently fix the eyeball, and the laser will make a cut under the control of a precise computer, and the operation will be completed. can proceed. The average data shows that the vision and visual quality of ICL surgery will be slightly better than that of laser. At present, the postoperative effect and feedback of patients who have undergone Zhizhen Femtosecond ICL surgery are that they will feel safer during the operation. “Many people do ICL surgery. Compared with laser, they may think that laser is not a surgery, but just a laser. After ICL surgery, they will feel that I have put something in the eye, which seems to be an operation, and I am very worried. It should be done with a knife. When choosing to use femtoseconds instead of a knife, it will be much safer psychologically, and it will cooperate better on the operating table. We also observed postoperative vision, vision quality and corneal incision repair after surgery. , are very good.” Professor Wang Zheng said.

How to choose the appropriate surgical method for myopic patients? Professor Wang Zheng explained that myopia surgery is not suitable for everyone. The most important prerequisite is a set of very detailed and rigorous preoperative examinations. It is recommended that everyone go to a regular hospital for preoperative examinations. Because myopia, especially high myopia, may cause fundus lesions, and eye health problems also require our continuous attention. The choice of surgical method does not mean that the more advanced the surgical method is, the better it is. It should be based on the patient’s refractive status, corneal morphology, and age. If ICL surgery is performed, it is also necessary to look at the intraocular parameters to determine whether this can be done. The way. The patient needs to communicate with the doctor in detail, and finally choose the most suitable plan.

Southern Metropolis reporter: Zeng Wenqiong

Interns: Chen Xin, Xiao Tongdan, Guo Xinyang