My body gets worse after quitting smoking. What’s going on? Old smokers should know 3 things before quitting smoking

People who smoke for a long time have an increased risk of developing lung diseases, and even more people will develop lung cancer and threaten their health. In order to prevent this from happening, some smokers started to quit smoking. But after quitting smoking, problems arose.

A lot of smokers said that they didn’t feel any discomfort when they smoked, but after quitting smoking, they felt ill, and they often had cough

strong>, chest tightness, unsteady sleep and other issues. I heard from people around me that it was a problem with quitting smoking, and he was so frightened that he started smoking again. But he always found it difficult to understand that quitting smoking should be a healthier thing, why would he have problems quitting?

Have you ever thought that these “problems” after quitting smoking are not actually diseases, but that the body is “saving itself”?

My body suddenly became bad after quitting smoking, what happened?

In medicine, it’s called “withdrawal.” In the process of people smoking for a long time, the nicotine and tar in cigarettes will continue to stimulate the brain nerves. As soon as you come into contact with these substances, there will be excitement, agitation, and the effect of what people call “refreshing” occurs. But this refreshing effect can last for a relatively short period of time.

After stopping smoking, people’s brains will experience irritability, anxiety, craving for smoking and other emotions because of the loss of the stimulation of this substance. This discomfort can only be relieved by continuing to smoke and ingesting nicotine. Over time, the brain will become dependent on tobacco.

When you quit smoking, you cut off the chance of contact between your body and nicotine, which will also cause the brain to produce this withdrawal response. The typical symptoms are frequent cough, expectoration; headache; irritability; anxiety and irritability;< strong>Memory decline; Insomnia, early awakening, etc. The appearance of these symptoms may cause people to have some fearful emotions, worrying that they will have problems with quitting smoking.

But you can rest assured that most of the withdrawal reactions are temporary, and the symptoms appear to be scary, but in fact, the body is helping itself. For example, the lungs take away the cigarette toxins and garbage accumulated in the lungs by stimulating coughing and continuously secreting sputum, thereby cleaning the lungs and improving lung function. People can completely quit smoking through some scientific methods, which can not only successfully quit smoking as soon as possible, but also improve the withdrawal response after quitting smoking.

Before you quit smoking, old smokers should know 3 things first

Know you first Is it better to quit smoking gradually or not at all?

Choosing these two different methods mainly depends on your smoking addiction and physical fitness.

For example, a person who has smoked for 20 years smokes 1 pack of cigarettes every day; another person has smoked for 5 years and smokes 1 pack of cigarettes every week. In this case, the smoking addiction of the former is relatively large, and a stronger withdrawal reaction may also occur in the process of quitting smoking. In this case, it may be considered to gradually reduce the amount of smoking to avoid withdrawal symptoms and relapse after decisively quitting smoking.

Also, if people’s physical fitness is relatively poor, such as high blood pressure and other problems, they may also experience rapid heartbeat, withdrawal reactions when quitting smoking Emotions such as anxiety and irritability can easily increase blood pressure. In this case, you can also try to control smoking by reducing the amount of smoking, and quit smoking gradually.

Secondly, make a plan to quit smoking for yourself

Many smokers have the idea of ​​quitting smoking. It is very hasty. For example, I feel unwell today and decide to quit smoking. After insisting on it for a few days, I couldn’t help but pick up the cigarette. This repeated quitting and relapse behavior will also weaken the confidence of quitting smoking successfully.

When you make up your mind to quit smoking, you should make a long-term plan, such as trying to smoke as little as possible within 2 weeks of quitting (specific to a few cigarettes) ; Do not smoke a single cigarette within 1 month of quitting smoking. Only such a plan can have the accuracy of implementation, clear the goal of smoking cessation, and resolutely implement it.

The third thing is that for special people, they can quit smoking with the help of drugs

There are some Old smokers who smoke all year round have poor physical fitness and have a series of underlying diseases, such as lung disease, heart disease or cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease On the basis of these diseases, the withdrawal reaction brought about by quitting smoking may cause strong discomfort and even aggravate the patient’s condition.

In order to avoid a strong withdrawal reaction in the process of smoking cessation and aggravate the patient’s condition, some smokers can use some nicotine replacement drugs under the guidance of professionals. Aid in smoking cessation. The most fundamental reason for the withdrawal reaction is the craving for nicotine in the brain. After using these drugs, the withdrawal reaction can be effectively alleviated and the discomfort in the process of smoking cessation can be relieved.

If you are about to quit smoking, but you are worried that you will experience withdrawal symptoms such as coughing, chest tightness, and sleeplessness, you may wish to understand these 3 things before quitting smoking. Find a smoking cessation that suits you They also realize that these symptoms after quitting smoking are actually a manifestation of the body’s self-help, and it can also avoid relapse and end in failure.

Quitting smoking is definitely good for the body, but it is only for some perennial patients. For people who smoke, there may be withdrawal symptoms. If you can take appropriate measures to deal with it, smoking cessation will be more smooth.


1. After smoking for many years What will happen to quitting? What should be done to quit smoking correctly·People’s Daily Online·2019-03-01

2. Sudden smoking cessation is not good for health?·Lilac Doctor·2019-02-20

3. He layers, Liu Xiaoxue, Gao Guoqing, et al. Withdrawal symptoms, clinical features and treatment recommendations of the new “top” e-cigarette addiction [J]. Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention, 2021, 27(4) :3.