9 kinds of food, the most cardiovascular! Doctor: No. 8 Americans eat more, No. 9 Chinese love

Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have long occupied the first place among all causes of human death. Whether it is a developed country or a developing country, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are properly the “No. 1″ killer”. The high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is largely caused by the unhealthy eating habits of modern people, such as long-term high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt, and high-purine eating habits. So, in the end we usually eat what kind of food is better? Today, Dr. Zhang will give you a summary:

Unhealthy eating makes people sick

1. Cereal and potato foods

Intake an appropriate amount of cereals and potatoes every day, which is more beneficial to health than finely processed staple foods such as polished rice and white noodles. It is recommended that the average adult consumes 250~400 g of cereals and potatoes (half a catty to eight taels) per day, including 50~150 g of whole grains and mixed beans (one tael to three taels), and 50~100g of potatoes (one tael to one tael). -22). It is recommended to have whole grains with each meal, and try to “match the thickness” of the food, such as rice and brown rice, whole grains (millet, corn and oats, etc.) and mixed beans (red bean, mung bean and kidney bean, etc.). However, no matter how good the food is, it should be taken in moderation and not excessively.

Multigrain is better

2. Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are the foods that everyone should pay attention to every day. Among them, the recommended intake of vegetables and fruits is ≥500 g (one catty) per day, of which the daily intake of vegetables is 300~500 g (6 2-1 jin), dark vegetables should account for half; daily intake of fresh fruit 200~350 g (4 taels-7 taels). Also, be careful not to substitute fruit juice for fruit. In the past two years, I have held an attitude of disapproval of the nutritional research on fruit juice. Even pure fruit juice is not as good as eating fruit. Everyone should pay attention to this.

Vegetables and fruits

3. Fish

Fish is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, a high-quality source of protein and very good for the body. Therefore, major health and dietary guidelines recommend fish oil as a healthy food source. The healthy lifestyle guide recommends that the fish intake should be ≥300 g (300~525 g) per week, which is 6 taels to 1 jin. At the same time, it is recommended to use non-fried cooking methods such as boiling and steaming as much as possible, and reduce the cooking method of frying, which can be healthier and make your blood lipids better.

Fish is the best

4, meat

When it comes to meat, many friends with chronic diseases are afraid to eat it, for fear of raising blood lipids and leading to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In fact, many people don’t know that meat is also an applied substance that our body must ingest, and we cannot but eat it. Long-term abstinence from meat can easily lead to weakness and more serious diseases. The current mainstream dietary guidelines generally recommend that the daily intake of meat is 40-75 g (1 two-1 half). If it is chicken, duck and goose meat, it is better because it is lower in fat and cholesterol. And if you eat meat from pigs, cattle, and sheep, it is best to eat lean meat, and the intake should not be too much.

Meat can be eaten in moderation

5. Eggs

Speaking of how many eggs a day is appropriate, it is almost one of the health topics that people are most concerned about now. In fact, discussing the topic of eating eggs is discussing the issue of cholesterol intake. Because egg yolk is a food rich in cholesterol, eating too much will indeed affect the level of blood cholesterol. People with high blood lipids and patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases do need to pay attention. At this stage, our latest health guidelines suggest that 3 to 6 eggs per week is appropriate. Whether it is 3 or 6 a week, it is specific to each person, it is best not to affect the cholesterol in blood lipidsThe amount of alcohol is appropriate.

Eat eggs in moderation

6. Soy products

Soybeans are rich in protein, dietary fiber, potassium, calcium and other nutrients, so eating soy products in moderation is beneficial to health. Some medical studies have also shown that eating soy products in moderation on a daily basis can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016) recommends 25 g of soybeans per day (equivalent to about 125 g of southern tofu, or 50 g of shredded tofu).

Eat soy products in moderation

7. Nuts

Nuts are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids), protein, minerals and other nutrients. Among them, polyunsaturated fatty acids are very good for the human body, so it is also a very good eating habit to eat some nuts in moderation every day, and the famous Mediterranean diet plan also contains a certain amount of nuts. The latest healthy lifestyle guidelines for nuts at this stage recommend that the weekly intake be controlled at 50-70 grams. That is, about 10-15 grams per day, preferably not more than 20 grams, so as not to affect triglycerides.

Eat nuts in moderation

8. Milk

Dairy products such as milk are a great source of dietary calcium and protein. Medical studies have shown that compared with those who never drink milk, people who drink 150-300 g of milk per day have a 23% and 19% lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death, respectively. Therefore, the latest healthy lifestyle guidelines recommend that Chinese people drink 150-300 g of liquid milk per day to be healthier. If you have high blood lipids or have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, you can choose low-fat milk or skim milk first. American consumption of dairy products leads the world in the world, but many of us Chinese still do not consume enough.

Consume dairy products in moderation

9, tea

When it comes to drinking tea, this is a Chinese eating habit. It can be said that tea culture has a long history in China. A meta-analysis of multiple medical cohort studies has shown that people who drink tea every day have a lower risk of myocardial infarction and stroke compared with people who do not drink tea. Therefore, the healthy lifestyle guide recommends drinking tea in moderation, and the monthly consumption of tea can be more than 50 g, and green tea is the best. Of course, some people will feel stomach pain after drinking green tea, which is caused by the more theophylline contained in green tea. If this is the case, it is recommended to consider drinking other types of tea, or drinking plain water. However, tea culture definitely originated from China, and it is indeed the favorite of Chinese people.

Drinking tea is good for health

All in all, for the majority of fans and friends in front of mobile phones, only by paying attention to a healthy diet can reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. If you have relatives and friends who are concerned about health knowledge, forward this article to them so that more people can benefit.